SceneBuilder src, or how to drag/size controls

Jonathan Giles jonathan.giles at
Mon Feb 4 12:04:15 PST 2013

I can't speak to the first part of your email, but regarding resizing 
standard controls: as of JavaFX 8.0 Control extends from Region, so 
whilst I haven't tested Andrew's code, this should theoretically work. 
It would be worth testing, anyway :-)

-- Jonathan

On 5/02/2013 8:43 a.m., Werner Lehmann wrote:
> Hi,
> for an upcoming project I'll need to provide a subset of the 
> SceneBuilder functionality. More specifically, controls such as a 
> Label or TextField need to be dragged from a tool palette into a 
> designing area where they can be selected, moved, and resized.
> Is the SceneBuilder src available? Otherwise, any recommendations on 
> do's and dont's? Fortunately this week's links on FX-Experience 
> include a just-in-time article on resizing regions:
> (Thanks, Andrew)
> Region would be interesting for custom "tools" but I'll need this for 
> standard controls, too. Maybe I should wrap each of them into a 
> stackpane to provide a clickable selection border with drag points?
> Rgds
> Werner

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