[API Review] FX 8 3D API

Richard Bair richard.bair at oracle.com
Wed Feb 6 11:06:17 PST 2013

Then we should reuse those packages. Why don't we just put shape3d in the shape package etc?

On Feb 6, 2013, at 10:55 AM, Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at oracle.com> wrote:

> They could all be put in the shape3d package, but it seems inconsistent with 2D packages: shape, paint effect, etc.
> -- Kevin
> Richard Bair wrote:
>> Hi Chien,
>>>    javafx.scene.light.LightBase (abstract)
>>>    javafx.scene.material.Material (abstract)
>> I'm not jazzed about creating two new packages here. It seems like these things should all be grouped in the same place as camera, or shape3d. Ideas?
>>> Methods and Properties added to Node
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>> LOD helper property:
>>> /**
>>> * A read only property that stores the computed area of this
>>> * {@code Node} projected onto the physical screen in pixel unit.
>>> */
>>> public final double getAreaInScreen()
>>> public final javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyDoubleProperty areaInScreenProperty()
>> Can this be efficiently implemented? We ripped out boundsInScene because it was impossible to get it fast enough. Why would this be any different?
>> The rest looks good.
>> Richard

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