How to build openjfx in its current state

Richard Bair richard.bair at
Thu Feb 7 14:35:05 PST 2013

>> This is the wiki that is kept up to date: 
>> It is sad to say, but the OpenJDK project page is outdated 
>> (  It 
>> turns out that trying to keep this page up to date is a pain in the 
>> ass.  Yay, OpenJDK!
> Yeah, I know this from experience...
> Perhaps the page could just link to the wiki?
> There is no need really to have the OpenJDK page, it can just link to
> the appropriate page, and it would be way less confusing.
> I can provide with the html changes if you point me to the web page
> sources, so you just need to push the change.

Hmm, the link to the repo I have points at a "closedjdk" URL. Are the other OpenJDK web pages publicly available?

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