JemmyFX License Problem

Richard Bair richard.bair at
Fri Feb 8 11:07:26 PST 2013

Good question, I will see what the story is.


On Feb 8, 2013, at 10:56 AM, Tom Schindl <tom.schindl at> wrote:

> Hi,
> Jemmy itself is released under CDDL but in contrast to that the
> FX-Extension are only released under GPL this causes problems to me
> because I can't ship it with e(fx)clipse once it is moved to
>, hence people will have a hard time writing Jemmy Unit-Tests.
> How is Netbeans going to address this problem, are they allowed to ship
> GPL licensed software with their product?
> Tom
> -- 
> B e s t S o l u t i o n . a t                        EDV Systemhaus GmbH
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