Decora <> Open Shading Language?

Tom Schindl tom.schindl at
Thu Feb 14 02:06:52 PST 2013

If I read this right they are running the shader stuff on the CPU and
not on the GPU.

In the roadmap I read:
We would like to implement alternate "back ends" that would allow
translation of OSL shaders (and shader networks) into code that can run
on GPUs or other exotic hardware (at least for the biggest subset of OSL
that can be expressed on such hardware). This would, for example, allow
you to view close approximations to your OSL shaders in realtime preview
windows in a modeling system or lighting tool.


Am 14.02.13 10:49, schrieb Philipp Dörfler:
> Here is the link:
> [1]
> Am 14.02.2013 um 10:48 schrieb Philipp Dörfler <phdoerfler at>:
>> Greetings,
>> I stumbled upon the Open Shading Language [1] which seems to be an already established standard and uses LLVM to optimize shaders. I wonder why this is not used instead of / as a backend for Decora. Might you please shed some light on that?
>> Cheers and thanks in advance
>> ~ Philipp

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