More JavaFX code open-sourced

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Mon Feb 25 10:46:14 PST 2013


Today's open-source offering includes the Quantum toolkit and the 
device-independent portions of Prism. Here is a list of project folders 
that are now available in the openjfx/8/graphics forest, and will be in 
master towards the end of the week:

1. javafx-ui-quantum -- the Quantum Toolkit which controls interfacing 
between glass and prism and running pulses

2. prism-util -- Path tessellation code (a Java port of the OpenGL GLU 
tessellator, originally done for JOGL)

3. prism-common/prism-common-native -- The base Prism classes

4. prism-ps -- Prism pixel shader classes (includes the .jsl files for 
all of our 2D shaders)

5. prism-sw/prism-sw-native -- The Pisces-based software pipeline (used 
as the software fallback on platforms that don't support one of the two 
HW pipelines)

6. prism-j2d -- The Java2D software pipeline (used only for printing in 
FX 8)

7. prism-null -- A null pipeline for developer testing (not shipped with 
the FX runtime)

The HW-accelerated device pipelines will take more work to get ready for 
open-sourcing, but we didn't want to hold up putting out what we could.

The build requirements are the same as for Glass which was open-sourced 
last week.

-- Kevin

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