
Richard Bair richard.bair at oracle.com
Tue Feb 26 09:46:49 PST 2013

>>>> Also worth noting is that prism.dirtyops is not API -- it really only existed to help people analyze whether graphical glitches with it turned on would disappear when turned off -- ironic that it is failing in the opposite manner :-).
>>> I think he is saying that they appear with dirtyopts=true.
>>> They disappear *without* dirtyopts=false
>> Right, I think I said the same thing -- the normal operation is to turn dirty opts OFF and get things looking right (if there was a bug when they were turned on), ironic that in this case you have to turn them ON to get things looking right!
> Both of you said the same thing, just Pedro said the opposite:
> If I run my app *without* this flag:"-Dprism.dirtyopts=false" a lot of
> graphical glitches start to *appear*

Aren't we all saying the same thing? Blasted double negatives!

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