Building OpenJFX with errors: ANTLR missing
Kevin Rushforth
kevin.rushforth at
Thu Feb 28 13:49:27 PST 2013
Thanks for the confirmation on the anltr build issue.
Regarding your unrelated question:
> I would like to run JavaFX on laptop with a Intel GMA 3600 graphics
> card - it seems there is only the software renderer active at the
> moment - are there any tricks to get to a hardware acceleration
> working on such a card?
I don't think that the GMA 3000 series has the necessary support, but
you could try:
-Dprism.forceGPU=true -Dprism.verbose=true
and see whether that works. The forceGPU flag bypasses the driver checks
and blacklist checks, but if the card doesn't report pixel shader 3
capability it still won't run HW-accelerated.
-- Kevin
Robert Ladstätter wrote:
> Hi,
> I could reproduce the behavior Tobias described by copying the
> antlr-3.1.3.jar, antlr-runtime-3.1.3.jar to master/lib - I used the
> 3.1.3 jars from my local maven repository. I've learned that they
> don't contain the ANTLRException class. tobias, maybe you've used the
> same jars?
> To be sure, I've downloaded like suggested from the
> <> homepage, with the jars provided there I could
> compile fine.
> ... using early access jdk build b78:
> ...
> jar-javafx-embed-swt:
> dist:
> [echo] Creating merged openjfxrt.jar file
> [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/lad/openjfx-8/master/rt/dist
> [jar] Building jar:
> /Users/lad/openjfx-8/master/rt/dist/openjfxrt.jar
> Total time: 1 minute 58 seconds
> i have a question (completely unrelated though):
> I would like to run JavaFX on laptop with a Intel GMA 3600 graphics
> card - it seems there is only the software renderer active at the
> moment - are there any tricks to get to a hardware acceleration
> working on such a card?
> best
> robert
> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 10:44 PM, Kevin Rushforth
> <kevin.rushforth at <mailto:kevin.rushforth at>> wrote:
> Hi Tobias,
> If you follow the steps as listed in my e-mail, and ensure that
> both the "master" and "master/rt" repos are up to date with the
> latest changes from the openjfx repos, then it should work.
> Can someone else verify whether this is the case?
> -- Kevin
> Tobias Bley wrote:
> Hi Richard and Kevin,
> I'm using JDK8-b77 (early access version from Oracle). I
> downloaded the three jars (antlr) too and stored them in
> master/lib folder. But when I run "ant" the build process
> fails with the "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> antlr/ANTLRException" during building decora-compiler.
> So I suppose that the build scripts do not use the lib folder…
> do you know how can I tell ant scripts to use the lib folder?
> Tobi
> Am 27.02.2013 um 18:47 schrieb Richard Bair
> <richard.bair at <mailto:richard.bair at>>:
> Hi Tobias,
> I've just done a fresh clone & went through the
> instructions and didn't see this particular issue (I have
> other issues when compiling with Java 8 on my Mac).
> I have:
> rbair-mac:lib rbair$ pwd
> /Users/rbair/open-jfx/master/lib
> rbair-mac:lib rbair$ ls
> antlr-3.1.3.jar antlr-runtime-3.1.3.jar
> stringtemplate-3.2.jar
> Downloaded antlr from
> The other steps I have to take to build on 8 is to (a) use
> b74 of JDK 8 to build with (anything newer is running into
> Java 8 bugs with JavaDoc that fails to build), and (b) use
> jfxrt.jar from b77 of JDK 8, and ( c) for some reason I
> have to set JAVA_HOME to b74 for things to work.
> Richard
> On Feb 27, 2013, at 3:48 AM, Tobias Bley
> <tobi at <mailto:tobi at>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to build the current OpenJFX but I'm getting
> the following error:
> Created dir:
> /Applications/Developer/Java/open-jfx/master/rt/decora-compiler/build/gensrc/com/sun/scenario/effect/compiler
> java
> Exception in thread "main"
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: antlr/ANTLRException
> at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native
> Method)
> at
> java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(
> at java.lang.Class.getMethod0(
> at java.lang.Class.getMethod(
> at
> sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.validateMainClass(
> at
> sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.checkAndLoadMain(
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> antlr.ANTLRException
> at
> at
> at
> Method)
> at
> at
> java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
> at
> sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
> at
> java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
> ... 6 more
> Java Result: 1
> As I read here
> (,
> I have to put the antlr libs in the
> "open-jfx/master/lib" directory. But it doesn't help
> Any ideas?
> Best regards,
> Tobi
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