Metro apps

Richard Bair richard.bair at
Mon Jan 7 14:06:27 PST 2013

Well, we don't have a mechanism yet for hosting heavyweight controls inside a lightweight JavaFX app. So I wouldn't try to make native calls for most of those things, but rather build FX versions of them (rating controls and such should be part of a toolkit anyway rather than special just for windows).

I don't use windows though so I am not familiar enough with the particular UI elements to have thought about how we'd go about implementing different facets. The main area we've had people look at so far is much more fundamental -- can we get a JVM running, what are the limitations, can we use our existing D3D work, can we run native code, can we get fonts working, etc.


On Jan 7, 2013, at 2:02 PM, Pedro Duque Vieira <pedro.duquevieira at> wrote:

> Thanks for the replies.
> My question was also on getting to know what needs to be done for metro java apps to be a possibility and what can I do for that. 
> I agree windows rt should not be a priority. Android and ios should be much higher on the priority list.
> I currently have been skinning javafx to make controls feel and look like metro and I would like to know what else needs to be done and whether this is the correct way to have metro like controls in java.
> What about other controls that are part of windows 8 API but not of the JavaFX API like the toggle control, rating control, etc? Should we create them through javafx like we create any other control? Or are there any special system calls we need to make?
> And the special controls like the app toolbar and charms? This ones will probably be implemented through special system calls, right?
> And what about the rest like windows 8 animations that are present by default? 
> Thanks, best regards,
> On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 9:45 PM, Daniel Zwolenski <zonski at> wrote:
> I wonder if Pedro's approach of simply "skinning" things to look Metro would be a good interim solution. So apps are deployed in compatibility mode but look somewhat windows8-like. 
> Sounds like Jim already did a little of this. Perhaps there could be some collab/sharing with Pedro to support him developing this for the benefit of all.
> On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 8:37 AM, Richard Bair <richard.bair at> wrote:
> > Lately my messages have been ignored on this mailing list by the javafx
> > team members.
> Vacation ;-)
> Long story short -- a port to WinRT would be that -- a full port, considered something different than the windows port (which is in large measure dependent on win32), largely due to limitations (such as JIT), and the fact that it is a completely new stack that will just take time to get to. As Nicolas mentioned, it isn't as high priority as Android and iOS, and we don't have those ports available yet either ;-). So it will be a while before we add it to our roadmap I would guess.
> -- 
> Pedro Duque Vieira

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