Canvas memory issues and performance

Richard Bair richard.bair at
Mon Jan 7 14:14:10 PST 2013

>> Canvas is different then the other nodes in the scene graph in the sense that it could, not 100% of the time but sometimes, want to be processed when not visible, but generally when a node is not visible you do not want to process(render) it.
> I understand, but it is also not like other nodes in the sense that if it does not process it queues commands indefinitely and you can run out of memory.  Which is worse? Processing when not visible, or running out of memory?  At some point the producer must block and let the consumer catch up.  Leaving the Canvas command queue unbounded is a disaster waiting to happen... I know, it already happened to me :-)

This has been my feeling too. I don't like the fact that by default the Canvas will cause your app to explode when the user minimizes your application. I don't remember what the problem was, Joe / Jim can you refresh us on what the core problem here is?

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