Maven POM files in the JFX code base

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Fri Jan 11 05:22:26 PST 2013

The pom.xml file is not used by the build. It was added as a 
contribution by Adam Bien. See: RT-19825 and RT-20869.

-- Kevin

Daniel Zwolenski wrote:
> I've just been looking into some stuff around deploying the JavaFX
> deployment tools into Maven Central and I noticed there are some pom.xml
> files already in the JFX code base (e.g. master/rt/pom.xml).
> What are these for and how do they get used? Are they used as part of the
> standard build (I thought everything was purely ANT based, why add Maven as
> well?) or are they just there as alternative? Do they work and, if so, are
> they intended to build everything or just little bits of it all?

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