Metro apps

Jim Weaver james.weaver at
Wed Jan 16 07:28:27 PST 2013

Speaking on Hendrik's behalf:  Please do read the [aesthetically 
pleasing] post and comment to help build Hendrik's case for the 
university to support the Mac OSX / Aqua skin project.

Jim Weaver

On 1/16/13 8:48 AM, Hendrik Ebbers wrote:
> Hi,
> I created a summary of all approaches about JavaFX platform specific 
> skins I currently know: 
> Based on this, a prove of concept for an Aqua skin was implemented. 
> Maybe this will be realized in a students thesis. More information can 
> be found in the post.
> Greetings,
> Hendrik
> Am 07. Januar 2013 um 23:18 schrieb Richard Bair 
> <richard.bair at>:
> Also, right now we don't have any plan to do platform specific skins, 
> so a 3rd party doing platform specific skins / CSS is highly encouraged!
> On Jan 7, 2013, at 2:04 PM, Daniel Zwolenski <zonski at> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 8:57 AM, Nicolas Lorain 
>> <nicolas.lorain at>wrote:
>>> Skinning to make apps look like Metro apps is one thing, getting 
>>> them into
>>> the Windows Store is another thing. It eally depends what is the end 
>>> goal.
>> Both :) Skinning we can achieve now, app store will take longer. 
>> Doing the
>> easy win skinning now will make JFX at least somewhat appealing to early
>> JFX+Win8 adopters/trail-blazers, which in turn could lead to better 
>> input
>> on what works and what doesn't when the official JFX platform decides to
>> include it. Similar to the sort of approach Jonathan takes with getting
>> people to contribute and play with new controls before they go into the
>> official code.
>> Pedro has been doing some work on this skinning, which seems like a
>> valuable contribution/test-bed for the work that Oracle will eventually
>> want to do when it comes to supporting Windows 8 properly. Seems like a
>> situation where working with Pedro and supporting him would result in 
>> less
>> overall work for Oracle in the long run. i.e. leveraging the community
>> resources to your advantage.
>>> On 1/7/13 1:51 PM, Jim Weaver wrote:
>>>> David Qiao (copied) did some skinning as well as navigation work 
>>>> when he
>>>> Metro-styled JavaFX Ensemble for his JavaOne "JavaFX meets Metro" 
>>>> session:
>>>> https://oracleus.activeevents.**com/connect/sessionDetail.ww?**
>>>> SESSION_ID=4996<> 
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Jim Weaver
>>>> On 1/7/13 4:45 PM, Daniel Zwolenski wrote:
>>>>> I wonder if Pedro's approach of simply "skinning" things to look 
>>>>> Metro
>>>>> would be a good interim solution. So apps are deployed
>>>>> in compatibility mode but look somewhat windows8-like.
>>>>> Sounds like Jim already did a little of this. Perhaps there could 
>>>>> be some
>>>>> collab/sharing with Pedro to support him developing this for the 
>>>>> benefit
>>>>> of
>>>>> all.
>>>>> On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 8:37 AM, Richard Bair 
>>>>> <richard.bair at>**
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Lately my messages have been ignored on this mailing list by the 
>>>>> javafx
>>>>>>> team members.
>>>>>> Vacation ;-)
>>>>>> Long story short -- a port to WinRT would be that -- a full port,
>>>>>> considered something different than the windows port (which is in 
>>>>>> large
>>>>>> measure dependent on win32), largely due to limitations (such as 
>>>>>> JIT),
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> the fact that it is a completely new stack that will just take 
>>>>>> time to
>>>>>> get
>>>>>> to. As Nicolas mentioned, it isn't as high priority as Android 
>>>>>> and iOS,
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> we don't have those ports available yet either ;-). So it will be a
>>>>>> while
>>>>>> before we add it to our roadmap I would guess.

Jim Weaver
Java Technology Ambassador
Oracle Corporation
james.weaver at

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