Managing API review requests

Richard Bair richard.bair at
Fri Jan 18 07:58:52 PST 2013

Hi folks,

To help manage the pending API review requests and to decrease the amount of time it takes to get an API request through the approval process, lets use the following procedure. When you have an issue which is ready to have API approval, first label the issue in JIRA with "api-review". We had formerly used "api-change" but this is only in very limited use and instead denotes that the issue has an api change associated with it, but not that it is ready for review. 

Once the issue has been marked with api-review, start a thread prefixed with [API Review] RT-XXXXX in the subject. Really, having the conversation in the bug itself would be the most useful so we don't have to cross-reference with an email thread, but fewer people would be involved in that case. So for now we'll still have the conversation in email but at least with the naming convention we'll be able to find the conversation. We should have a separate thread to discuss whether we want to move the API request comments to JIRA (probably a good idea).

Once the issue has been approved, it will be marked with api-approved.

I created a public filter for all unresolved issues marked with api-review:


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