ComboBox style strangeness

Jonathan Giles jonathan.giles at
Sat Jan 19 15:59:00 PST 2013

Thanks. I'll alert the powers that be...

-- Jonathan

On 20/01/2013 12:57 p.m., Scott Palmer wrote:
> Easier said than done, at the moment…
> When I attempt to access JIRA I get the following message:
> JIRA Startup Failed
> You cannot access JIRA at present. Look at the table below to identify the reasons
> Description
> The jira.home directory '/issues/jira-42' is already locked. Please see the JIRA documentation for more information on locked jira.home directories.
> On 2013-01-19, at 6:55 PM, Jonathan Giles <jonathan.giles at> wrote:
>> Yes, I got the file, I've just been bogged down with other pressing issues and haven't had a chance to look yet. However, I think it is best for this to go into jira so that it can't be left behind as it has up to now (entirely my fault). If you file a bug report I'll attach the file you emailed to me.
>> -- Jonathan
>> On 18/01/2013 3:15 p.m., Scott Palmer wrote:
>>> Did you ever get the attachment?
>>> I sent it directly but never got any response.
>>> Scott
>>> On 2013-01-15, at 12:51 PM, Jonathan Giles <jonathan.giles at> wrote:
>>>> It looks like the attachment was stripped when it passed through openjfx-dev. Please feel free to send it to me directly.
>>>> -- Jonathan
>>>> On 16/01/2013 3:43 a.m., Scott Palmer wrote:
>>>>> I just noticed that ComboBox renders with different styles depending on how
>>>>> you set the selection.
>>>>> Attached is a sample project that demonstrates.
>>>>> Tested with 7u10 (JavaFX 2.2.4)
>>>>> Is this expected or is it a bug?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Scott

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