OpenJFX 8 root

Mario Torre neugens at
Wed Jan 23 09:39:07 PST 2013

Il giorno mer, 23/01/2013 alle 09.27 -0800, Kevin Rushforth ha scritto:
> Not quite.
> Each of the following should be treated as a separate forest. You would 
> only grab one of these forests depending on which one you want.
> 1. The controls team forest:
> openjfx/8/controls
>     openjfx/8/controls/rt
>     openjfx/8/controls/tests
> 2. The graphics team forest:
> openjfx/8/graphics
>     openjfx/8/graphics/rt
>     openjfx/8/graphics/tests
> 3. The master forest:
> openjfx/8/master
>     openjfx/8/master/rt
>     openjfx/8/master/tests
> The team forests is where the work happens. Each team integrates into 
> the master forest regularly (typically weekly).

Ok, this makes sense.

Btw, I noticed a typo in the README, will sent a patch in a separate


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