RFC: fix typos in README file

Richard Bair richard.bair at oracle.com
Wed Jan 23 10:09:24 PST 2013

Ah, well, ahem, you have discovered one of our deep dark secrets that we're working to fix ASAP (about the same time the majority of everything is open by end of next month), and that is that right now the team is working from a set of internal forests and change sets are pushed to the public repos immediately whenever they are pushed to a  private repo.

We need to instead start working out of the public repos directly so that folks like you would be able to push directly, rather than having to send us patches. There are a couple things we have to work through (freely plagiarized from internal email discussing the subject):

1) The current structure of the openjfx projects on hg.openjdk.org is not conducive to allowing external contributors (or internal for that matter) to directly push changes. The reason is that each release on openjfx is a forest, so all of openjfx/8 is one forest from the point of view of allowing forest commands to operate and for access control. This means there is no way to give a developer access to the team forests without also giving them access to master. I see this as a limitation of the openjfx infrastructure, and we will likely need some time from infrastructure team to discuss possible solutions.

2) We have no way to lock our team forests or master for exclusive access. Once we can solve #1 we might be get away with not locking master if we can limit access to a limited number of team integrators (although for high-resistance I still think we need it), but in any case we need a solution or workaround for the team forests.

3) We will need to decide how / whether to mirror the rt repo internally for Hudson builds, etc.

4) We will need to fix a few things in the openjfx rt build system (which I would argue is a good thing anyway). Along with this we will need to rationalize the two different top-level "jfx" repos (open versus closed).

(Obviously we will continue to have some code closed such as security vulnerability tests, customer specific proprietary tests, etc. As such we have to adjust our procedures so we pull from the open and then from a closed repo and the two can build together).

I don't think any of these issues is really hard per-se but we are of course doing a bunch of other things at the same time (getting the remaining source code out there foremost among them).

Its all rather embarrassing, but we'll get it sorted. The Danno / Tom solution of having a bitbucket repo and filing a JIRA with a link to the patch has been working really well and then I can apply the patch in the interim.


On Jan 23, 2013, at 9:43 AM, Mario Torre <neugens at redhat.com> wrote:

> The README file contains a broken link for the rt repository, this patch
> fixes it.
> I also took the liberty to add the link to the test repository and fix
> another small typo.
> I never committed anything to OpenJFX, so if I can commit myself, a
> refresh of the procedure would be great :)
> I am OpenJDK committer, so all the paperwork is signed.
> Cheers,
> Mario

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