API Review issues

Richard Bair richard.bair at oracle.com
Wed Jan 23 10:20:16 PST 2013


I'm going through the list of open API reviews for lombard (http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=project+%3D+RT+AND+resolution+%3D+Unresolved+AND+labels+%3D+api-review+AND+%28labels+not+in+%28api-approved%29+and+labels+is+not+empty%29++AND+fixVersion+%3D+Lombard)

One thing I have found is that it is difficult to know what the actual proposal is at times because the description of the issue contains the original proposal, but you have to sort of apply the diff contained in each of the comments to this description to figure out what the final proposal is. This is cumbersome and error prone since my diff applying mental algorithm is often faulty.

I suggest that instead we adopt the practice of keeping the description of an issue that is adding new API up to date with the latest proposal. Is that a normal practice others have used in other bug systems / projects, or is there a better way?


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