API Proposal: RT-27633 - Add missing FXCollections methods for ObservableSet

Radko Najman radko.najman at oracle.com
Thu Jan 24 06:16:05 PST 2013


This is a proposal to add following methods to FXCollections:

public static<E> ObservableSet<E> checkedObservableSet(ObservableSet<E> 
set, Class<E> type)
public static<E> ObservableSet<E> emptyObservableSet()
public static<E> ObservableSet<E> 
synchronizedObservableSet(ObservableSet<E> set)
public static<E> ObservableSet<E> 
unmodifiableObservableSet(ObservableSet<E> set)

Jira: http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-27633


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