Integrating native Open GL code in JavaFX and alternatives

Artem Ananiev artem.ananiev at
Mon Jan 28 08:17:09 PST 2013

On 1/28/2013 7:48 PM, Sven Reimers wrote:
> The link
> does not work for "outsiders" - I think you are hinting at

Yes, my fault. Thanks for the right link.


> -Sven
> On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Artem Ananiev <artem.ananiev at
> <mailto:artem.ananiev at>> wrote:
>     On 1/26/2013 12:04 AM, Scott Palmer wrote:
>         On 2013-01-25, at 2:16 PM, Artem Ananiev
>         <artem.ananiev at <mailto:artem.ananiev at>>
>         wrote:
>             A few comments from my side:
>             1. If a native Window/Scene handle is provided, it will be
>             enough
>             to embed whatever you need. It will even be possible to
>             embed D3D
>             content into JavaFX running with OpenGL pipeline :)
>         There will be issues in JavaFX that we can't work around as
>         easily as
>         we code in Swing. For example clipping.  How can my video preview
>         overlay participate in a Scene such that I can put it inside a
>         ScrollPane or SplitPane?  With Swing I could manage this by
>         placing a
>         heavyweight component in the UI.  Rectangular clipping was easy to
>         deal with by wrapping in another heavyweight component - the OS
>         windowing system took care of it.  Later Swing got smarter about
>         mixing heavy/light components.  JavaFX doesn't have something
>         comparable.
>     To use heavyweight component in a scroll/split pane, we need
>     heavyweight scroll/split pane :) In other words, such scenarios
>     don't work well in Swing too.
>     Do you mean limited heavyweight/lightweight component mixing,
>     introduced to 6u10 and the forward-ported to 7? Note the word
>     "limited" here: the mixing is really limited, it doesn't cover
>     non-rectangular shapes, transparent components, and many more. It
>     actually works fine for simplest scenarios only. The code we put to
>     AWT to support the limited mixing is not something I would like to
>     see in JavaFX.
>             The question is what is the native handle? On Windows, HWND
>             is the
>             answer. On Mac: NSView or CALayer?
>         CALayer seems to be the way things are going. NSView was the Java 6
>         native layer, now in Java 7 it is CALayer.  But this is native code…
>         let there be a way to get either from a platform specific structure.
>     Believe it or not, we will support both CALayer-based and
>     NSView-based embedded windows in JDK8 (and probably next JDK7
>     updates). Check the following JDK bug for details:
>     <>
>     Classes are not public (java.*, javax.*) APIs, though, but are
>     supposed to be backwards compatible. If we implement this
>     functionality in JavaFX, we'll likely support both CALayers and NSViews.
>             In the latter case we'll also need mechanism to flush embedded
>             layer content into the parent (window) layer, and the thing will
>             get complicated.
>             2. Another challenge with heavyweight embedding is
>             integration into
>             FX scene. Focus traversal, transforms, effects, modality, etc.
>         Can be depending on the use case.  For a video preview panel, I
>         wouldn't' need most of that.  #3 would be best.
>             3. Alternatively, we can try to implement semi-heavyweight
>             embedding. What we need is to make Prism be able to render
>             externally managed textures (GL, D3D). Input events will be
>             handled
>             as for any other FX nodes, transforms/effects will also be of no
>             problem. What's questionable here is a) performance b)
>             sharing GL
>             context or D3D device between FX and application code. I'm not a
>             graphics expert, but suspect there may be problems in this area.
>         I agree.  But I think it is worth getting a graphics expert (I'm not
>         a OpenGL/D3D person either) to think about it over the weekend :-)
>         Cheers,
>         Scott
>     Thanks,
>     Artem
>             Thanks,
>             Artem
>             On 1/25/2013 6:28 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:
>                 +1
>                 I see two basic needs:
>                 1: A JAWT equivalent so we can at least get a handle to
>                 the Stage
>                 window.
>                 2: Some means of embedding our own rendering surface.
>                   Likely via a
>                 "texture" described in the native format for the
>                 graphics pipeline
>                 used (OpenGL or Direct3D)
>                 In our Swing product (on Windows) we grab the native
>                 window handle of
>                 a heavyweight 'placholder' via JAWT and blit a bitmap
>                 directly to it
>                 - hardware assisted with a colorspace conversion, if I
>                 recall
>                 correctly.  JavaFX offers no equivalent.
>                 I know that JavaFX will likely never allow the concept
>                 of embedding a
>                 heavyweight native window into a Scene.  I don't think
>                 that would be
>                 the right approach for it anyway.  But we can't even
>                 make a separate
>                 preview window natively and give it a proper parent
>                 window with the
>                 current APIs.
>                 Scott
>                 On 2013-01-25, at 4:14 AM, Robert Krüger
>                 <krueger at <mailto:krueger at>>
>                 wrote:
>                     Hi,
>                     just to avoid, this gets buried in the other long
>                     thread where it
>                     originated from (Migrating commercial applications
>                     from Swing to JFX),
>                     I'm posting this again as a separate thread. I hope
>                     this is OK.
>                     We are evaluating migrating our Swing Application
>                     which includes a
>                     video player built using native code for decoding,
>                     rendering and
>                     effects to JavaFX. Performance requirements are very
>                     ambitious (like
>                     being close to the playback performance of the best
>                     native player, in
>                     our case Quicktime for most formats we care about,
>                     for high definition
>                     video).
>                     Currently there is no way to do the same thing in
>                     JavaFX, which the
>                     JOGL folks have already run into themselves (see
>                     <>).
>                     We would either need support for getting a native
>                     Open GL context to
>                     draw to a JFX component (panel, canvas whatever), so
>                     we can use native
>                     code to do all sorts of stuff that happens in our
>                     video player or we
>                     would need support for the following operations in JFX:
>                     - shaders for converting pixel formats (e.g.
>                     YUV422->RGB, YUV420->RGB ....)
>                     - shaders and frame buffer objects (render to
>                     texture) for applying
>                     layered effects to video frames
>                     - pixel buffer objects for transferring video images
>                     to textures (and back)
>                     - interoperability with opencl and cuda (processing
>                     of video frames
>                     with opencl/cuda and rendering with opengl)
>                     - reuse of opengl code across platforms (including
>                     android and iOS)
>                     We achieve that currently by having cross-platform C
>                     code that is
>                     connected to each platform via a rather thin layer
>                     for communication
>                     (e.g. to be able implement callbacks for OpenGL
>                     rendering parameters
>                     controlled by a Java-UI). My guess is that it is
>                     more likely that you
>                     will be able to expose the native context than
>                     providing all the
>                     listed things. It is also a maybe a philosophical
>                     question whether you
>                     want that but IMHO you close the door on an
>                     interesting range of
>                     applications if you don't provide anything like that
>                     in some way
>                     because you cannot implement a serious media
>                     application of a certain
>                     kind without it and why reinvent the wheel? IMHO
>                     Java technologies in
>                     the multi-media area (e.g. JavaSound, JMF) have in
>                     many cases suffered
>                     from being good ideas but not making it to a
>                     production-quality state
>                     because doing all that would have meant reinventing
>                     the wheel, which
>                     in complex areas like the one described here is
>                     simply not feasible so
>                     they IMHO remained being mostly of educational value
>                     for academic
>                     environments. Acknowledging that in some areas it
>                     does make sense to
>                     have some native code doesn't diminish the value of
>                     Java as a
>                     platform. Having a lot of portable code in an
>                     application is still a
>                     lot better than having one application per platform.
>                     Quite the
>                     contrary, to me it would make Java/JavaFX more
>                     grown-up in the desktop
>                     area if that was supported some more.
>                     Sorry for being a bit philosophical in the end ;-).
>                     Thanks a lot for your help. I'm really hoping we can
>                     come to the
>                     conclusion that migrating to JavaFX is the right way
>                     to go for us.
>                     Robert
> --
> Sven Reimers
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