IOOBE with FX 8
Martin Sladecek
martin.sladecek at
Thu Jan 31 00:10:40 PST 2013
So this doesn't happen with JDK 7, if I understand it correctly.
Can you provide me some working sample and file it to JIRA?
On 01/30/2013 10:21 PM, Sven Reimers wrote:
> Sure
> ...
> providers.addListener(new ListChangeListener<Provider>() {
> @Override
> public void onChanged(Change<? extends Provider> change) {
> while ( {
> if (change.wasAdded()) {
> int j = 0;
> for (Provider provider : change.getAddedSubList()) {
> ...
> Thanks
> Sven
> On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 10:16 PM, Jonathan Giles
> <jonathan.giles at>wrote:
>> Can you provide the code snippet you're using for the ListChangeListener?
>> Are you remembering to follow the following pattern:
>> while ( {
>> ...
>> }
>> For a better code snippet, refer here:**
>> 2/api/javafx/collections/**ListChangeListener.Change.html<>
>> -- Jonathan
>> On 31/01/2013 10:10 a.m., Sven Reimers wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> trying out my FX application (vmFX on top of eFX) with latest JDK8
>>> binaries
>>> on Mac I often get
>>> java.lang.**IndexOutOfBoundsException: toIndex = 1
>>> at java.util.SubList.<init>(**
>>> at java.util.AbstractList.**subList(
>>> at
>>> com.sun.javafx.collections.**BaseModifiableObservableList.**subList(**
>>> BaseModifiableObservableList.**java:145)
>>> at
>>> javafx.collections.**ListChangeListener$Change.**getAddedSubList(**
>>> Is this something to report with OpenJFX or with OpenJDK 8 or shall I try
>>> to dig deeper?
>>> Thanks
>>> Sven
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