8 rt build failure

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Thu Jan 31 19:54:35 PST 2013

This will happen from time-to-time when building from the graphics or 
controls team forests.

If you build from master rather than from the graphics forest, this 
should not be a problem. Otherwise you will need to wait until the 8-b75 
promotion which will likely be tomorrow some time.

As more of our code is open-sourced this will be a less frequent problem.

-- Kevin

Dalibor Topic wrote:
> On Linux, I get a build failure when building javafx-sg-prism because NGShape is trying
> to import com.sun.prism.PrinterGraphics, which exists neither in the openjfx forest nor
> in the 8 EA jfxrt.jar. 
> cheers,
> dalibor topic

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