JavaFX8 on iPhone! It works!

John C. Turnbull ozemale at
Sat Jul 6 04:49:24 PDT 2013


I have speaking with Excelsior for some time trying to encourage them to
release a Java AOT compiler for mobile and tablet platforms but they have
indicated to me that such a compiler is not on their roadmap at present.
Their current focus is on release a stable 64-bit compiler for Windows (and
Linux) and the simply do not have the resources to produce an iOS or Android


-----Original Message-----
From: openjfx-dev-bounces at
[mailto:openjfx-dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of Tobi
Sent: Saturday, 6 July 2013 17:54
To: Richard Bair
Cc: openjfx-dev at Mailing
Subject: Re: JavaFX8 on iPhone! It works!

Maybe there is a AOT based JavaVM from
available soon for iOS...

Am 06.07.2013 um 04:34 schrieb Richard Bair <richard.bair at>:

> It's complicated. We've prototyped on all kinds of VMs including the CVM
used with ADF mobile and a hacked up Java SE embedded 7. It's a long way
from prototype to product and as I mentioned on my blog we have not
announced any plan around SE embedded VM on iOS / Android. But at least we
know that our port of fx was (mostly) functional and could be successful.
> On Jul 5, 2013, at 12:44 PM, Tobias Bley <tobi at> wrote:
>> Richard, the question is: Has Oracle a hidden Java8 VM for Android and
iOS? Or how do you test your Android and iOS JavaFX implementation???
>> Am 05.07.2013 um 16:42 schrieb Richard Bair <richard.bair at>:
>>> We have implementations for Android and iOS that are both functional on
a Java 8 VM. It looks like, because the iOS one is so closely related to the
Mac build, it was the easiest one to get a build for the open community.
We're working on the Android build scripts. The situation on Android is
exactly the same as iOS -- we're open sourcing the library code, but not a
Java 8 VM. I would expect that if the iOS build on RoboVM works, that the
Android build for RoboVM would also work, but I haven't tried it.
>>> Richard
>>> On Jul 5, 2013, at 5:07 AM, Daniel Zwolenski <zonski at> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Niklas - sounds like there's still a bit to do. 
>>>> I'm still a bit confused though, I thought the JFX team were/are giving
us a version of jfx that is specifically designed to work on Android but it
sounds like that's pretty far from the actuality? What will the gradle build
for android actually give us?
>>>> I'd be keen to hear from someone on the jfx side on all of this. Is
this how you planned for your smart device releases to work or has something
gone wrong in the journey here?
>>>> On 05/07/2013, at 9:57 PM, Niklas Therning <niklas at> wrote:
>>>>> <mime-attachment.txt>

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