[API Review]: Node validation

Anthony Petrov anthony.petrov at oracle.com
Mon Jul 8 04:52:20 PDT 2013


The validate()/isValid() in AWT/Swing are often overridden by user apps 
for tasks that have nothing to do with the layout. And this causes a lot 
of problems.

best regards,

On 07/08/13 15:20, Pavel Safrata wrote:
> Hello,
> one more discussion topic: perhaps the "validate" name is too general?
> Maybe we can come up with more descriptive name? There are all kinds of
> nodes and sometimes this name can be misleading (not ringing the layout
> bell at all). For example TextField.validate() may look like validating
> the input. Also I wouldn't be surprised if users run into problems with
> custom nodes having their "validate" methods for different purposes.
> Pavel
> On 3.7.2013 14:33, Martin Sladecek wrote:
>> Hi,
>> JIRA: https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-31133
>> I propose a single method "public final void validate()" to be added
>> to Node class. The validate method would ensure that the metrics
>> (layout bounds) of the Node are valid with regards to the current
>> scenegraph (CSS & layout).
>> Together with this change, Parent.layout() will be deprecated.
>> In my current implementation, validate() method works only if the Node
>> is in a Scene. To make it work without a Scene, we'd need to do do
>> some small adjustments to CSS (doesn't work with getScene() == null).
>> But I'm not sure if such feature would be useful.
>> Regards,
>> -Martin

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