Validate cell, or request a cell update

Richard Bair richard.bair at
Tue Jul 9 10:28:40 PDT 2013

I think this is different. The idea was that you would bind state on the cell to the item it is representing, so that it is automatically updated when needed and then there is no need to manually poke it. If the data item isn't observable, then you need a way to manually poke it.


On Jul 9, 2013, at 3:17 AM, Werner Lehmann <lehmann at> wrote:

> Hi,
> Jonathan's question about Cell.updateItem rang a bell. Earlier this year I used a listview with a cell factory and had to resort to a dirty trick to get individual items to update in the SG if the underlying data had changed. I am hoping for a non-dirty solution - otherwise I might create an improvement ticket.
> In this usecase, the listview items show a status icon, e.g. a checkmark or warning icon. Now, if that state changes there does not seem to be a way to ask the listview to update the visuals of a particular item in the listview. I ended up keeping weakreferences of all cells when they are created in (my) factory, and then using cell.validationStateChanged on each of the cells, in hopes that we don't have many cells and that one of them would represent the item in the SG.
> The main problem here is that listview has no means to request an update of individual items, and references to cells are not available publicly (which is ok).
> Would this be related to the current "node validation" thread? I.e., revalidate the whole listview to have one icon replaced in one item...
> Werner

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