Building your own OpenJFX for Linux ARM/Raspberry PI

Richard Bair richard.bair at
Wed Jul 10 14:02:59 PDT 2013

Hi David, maybe you should cross post this over on the raspberry PI forums?

On Jul 10, 2013, at 1:46 PM, David Hill <David.Hill at> wrote:

> You should now be able to build OpenJFX for Linux Arm (hard float abi) for the Raspberry PI.
> To do this you will need the current Linux ARM JDK from, and a Linux desktop machine.
> The basic setup for building with Linux is here
> and PI build (Cross building for ARM hard float) are described here:
> Details on running on the PI are here:
> Daniel has validated a working result :-)
> We look forward to working with the community to improve and simplify the process.
> Next steps (coming soon we hope):
>   * Fully open native font support (currently you need a "closed" shared library)
>   * Build instructions for Linux ARM soft float ABI (like the the Beagle XM)
>   * a more streamlined porting interface to enable adding other platforms
> -- 
> David Hill <David.Hill at>
> Java Embedded Development
> "Paradise is exactly like where you are right now... only much, much better."
> -- Laurie Anderson, Language Is A Virus

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