API Change Proposal - Re: MSAA and Scene anti aliasing
Felix Bembrick
felix.bembrick at gmail.com
Tue Jul 23 14:04:51 PDT 2013
I think we need to come up with a word that implies that it's really a
balance of quality and speed. That's why I suggested BALANCED but I am
hoping we can do even better than that.
As an aside, why did you decide to not expose the setting of either the AA
type or number of samples? I would have though that serious graphics
developers would really like to have such options available to them.
On 24 July 2013 06:58, Chien Yang <chien.yang at oracle.com> wrote:
> Yes, very good point, we struggled with the DEFAULT value too. It
> doesn't really convey the in between value of FAST and NICEST.
> - Chien
> On 7/23/2013 1:41 PM, Felix Bembrick wrote:
> I am not sure I like the name of the value DEFAULT. To me "default"
> implies some kind of "typical" option for the particular platform which
> could conceivably be very different on each platform. For example, on my
> Windows super-computer with ultra fast GPU the "default" would logically be
> something like 16x whereas on my iPhone I would expect the default to be
> using only 2x. The comment for DEFAULT implies that it's really more of a
> BALANCED or MODERATE setting that would have the same characteristics on
> each platform.
> On 24 July 2013 06:29, Chien Yang <chien.yang at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> We appreciate all the feedback you have contributed to this topic.
>> After listening to the feedback and an internal discussion, we would like
>> to propose a minor change to the API for supporting scene anti-aliasing. We
>> intentionally choose not to expose the number of samples and techniques
>> used in this release, but this doesn't preclude future addition when the
>> time is right for more options. This change will be tracked by RT-31878 (
>> https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-31878):
>> Anti-aliasing API Change Proposal:
>> Constructors remove:
>> public Scene(Parent root, double width, double height, boolean
>> depthBuffer, boolean antiAliasing)
>> public SubScene(Parent root, double width, double height, boolean
>> depthBuffer, boolean antiAliasing)
>> Constructor add:
>> public Scene(Parent root, double width, double height, boolean
>> depthBuffer, SceneAntiAliasing antiAliasing)
>> public SubScene(Parent root, double width, double height, boolean
>> depthBuffer, SceneAntiAliasing antiAliasing)
>> Note:The antiAliasing argument will be used if the underlying graphics
>> driver has anti-aliasing support.
>> Where SceneAntiAliasing is an enum with the following entries at the
>> moment:
>> public enum SceneAntiAliasing {
>> DISABLED, // disables anti-aliasing
>> DEFAULT, // enables anti-aliasing using a default system setting
>> available that balances speed and quality
>> FASTEST, // enables anti-aliasing using minimum system setting
>> available that results in better frame rate
>> NICEST // enables anti-aliasing using maximum system setting
>> available that results in best visual quality
>> }
>> Thanks,
>> - Chien
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