Can JavaFX do CAD?
Scott Palmer
swpalmer at
Wed Jul 24 11:04:59 PDT 2013
Because my document is zoomable, I used the same approach SVG->FXML to
represent some icons that are used on items throughout the document. This
works but I have always felt that it is too heavy for my use-case.
Specially since I have the same icon appearing in multiple places, which
means I need to reproduce the same node structure in each place instead of
using a simple and fast image. I have it on my list to investigate a
mechanism to replace these with something that renders the appropriately
scaled shapes once to an image that can be re-used by ImageView nodes
instead of the duplicating the entire node hierarchy for the shape.
I should put some debug code in my app to count the nodes in the scene
graph to get an idea of when the system gets too bogged down.
On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 11:39 AM, Fabrizio Giudici <
Fabrizio.Giudici at> wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Jul 2013 17:06:57 +0200, Richard Bair <richard.bair at>
> wrote:
> The scene graph will not support millions of nodes,
> How many nodes are supported? I'm helping with the prototyping of a
> software that should render 2D SVG. In the past the need was for relatively
> complex documents, converted from 2D AutoCAD - the need was to render
> everything smoothly, zoom in & out, having less than a hundred additional
> nodes inserted programmatically that require an interaction - animation,
> context menu, etc. Only the additional nodes needed interaction and
> editing, the other stuff just to be rendered quickly. In the past we did
> with Batik+Swing, and it was pretty good in the end - no problems with the
> performance.
> Now we're trying a pure JavaFX approach and we're using the tool provided
> by Toni Eppleton that converts SVG to FXML. In the new project the SVG
> documents are simpler, still we needed to simplify them (e.g. smoothing
> some curves - they represent geographic borders) for having a good
> performance. We didn't measure anything so far - just trying - also because
> after the smoothing the speed is ok for the new project. But I'm wondering
> whether a port of the old project with Batik would be feasible.
> --
> Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect @ Tidalwave s.a.s.
> "We make Java work. Everywhere."
>**blog <> -
> fabrizio.giudici at
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