very poor performance on iOS :(

Niklas Therning niklas at
Wed Jul 24 12:06:00 PDT 2013

Please try running with perfLogger and also Instruments. As I've pointed
out before RoboVM is in early stages of development. It doesn't do release
builds yet. Virtually nothing has been done yet to optimize things for
speed. So my guess is that you will find that a lot of time is spent in
RoboVM code. Also, AFAIU the Oracle guys have run this on iOS internally
and have seen decent performance (can someone confirm?). That would also
suggest that RoboVM is the problem at the moment.


On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 5:13 PM, Richard Bair
<richard.bair at<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
'richard.bair at');>
> wrote:

> Unfortunately, I'm one of those stuck waiting for the apple developer
> portal to come back online in order to renew my apple developer
> subscription, so I can't actually try this out myself.
> Have you tried running with the perfLogger (I included instructions and
> how to understand the output in another thread yesterday). If you can show
> the output from the perf logger that would at least give some guidance as
> to where the time is being spent.
> Richard
> On Jul 24, 2013, at 5:16 AM, Tobias Bley <tobi at<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'tobi at');>>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > i would like to start a discussion about the performance of JavaFX8 on
> iOS (via RoboVM). If you make a little app with just one toggle button and
> run it on iPhone4 (not simulator), the JavaFX rendering is very slow. So
> the button press is painted with a really noticeable delay. I don’t
> understand this behavior because I thought JavaFX rendering is very good
> and optimized using hardware accelerated OpenGL code???
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Tobi
> >

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