Drag and drop tabs in TabPane
Tom Schindl
tom.schindl at bestsolution.at
Wed Jul 24 13:17:46 PDT 2013
I have on the very top of my contribution list for new features, so i'll take a first look on it in the weeks although i know it is too late for fx8 :-)
Von meinem iPhone gesendet
Am 24.07.2013 um 22:02 schrieb Jonathan Giles <jonathan.giles at oracle.com>:
> At present there are no plans to implement this, but that is simply due to the fact that at present our focus is on bug fixing rather than features / tweaks. In other words, if this is a high priority for the community (via votes on the relevant jira issue - which looks like your one at [1]), then we will prioritise it the next time we start up on feature work.
> Personally I would love to see this too - so I just cast my vote :-)
> [1] https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-31574
> -- Jonathan
> On 24/07/2013 11:48 p.m., Peter Penzov wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to ask you for which JavaFX version do you plan to
>> implement draggable tabs into TabPane? It will be very useful for users to
>> change the order of the tabs using mouse drag and drop.
>> Best wishes,
>> Peter
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