Embedding Swing/SWT/Native inside JavaFX
Mario Torre
neugens.limasoftware at gmail.com
Thu Jul 25 01:10:46 PDT 2013
But you can probably render the swt widgets into a buffered image.
I'm not sure how swt works, I need to look at it, but it should be possible
to create a proxy peer component that takes care of all the windowing state
and delegate rendering to swing/jfx.
Of course, its a lot of work...
I suggest instead to start developing anything new in javafx and and embed
this into the existing platform.
Il giorno 25/lug/2013 09:56, <steve.x.northover at oracle.com> ha scritto:
> This is correct. Due to heavyweight / lightweight issues, embedding SWT
> in FX is not really on the table.
> Steve
> On 24/07/2013 2:55 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:
>> You can not embed a heavyweight toolkit (SWT) into a lightweight (JavaFX)
>> one as far as i know.
>> I've investigated doing an SWT port which uses JavaFX under the covers
>> but without major funding this won't be proceeded (at least) by us.
>> Tom
>> Von meinem iPhone gesendet
>> Am 24.07.2013 um 20:36 schrieb "Reto Urfer" <reto.urfer at pop.agri.ch>:
>> Hi
>>> In FX8 a SwingNode is avalable to integrate old legacy Swing code into a
>>> new
>>> JavaFX based application.
>>> We currently have an Eclipse 3 RCP application with some embedded Swing
>>> parts. For the Migration to the Eclipse 4 platform it could be
>>> interresting
>>> to use FX instead of SWT because we heavily use theming which is mach
>>> better
>>> supported in FX.
>>> But this implies that it is possible to embed Swing AND SWT components
>>> into
>>> an FX based application because we can not rewrite the existing SWT parts
>>> with FX now.
>>> Are there any plans to provide a SWTNode to embedd SWT components int
>>> JavaFX
>>> like the SwingNode does for Swing components?
>>> regards
>>> Reto
>>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>>> ----------------
>>> -------
>>> Reto Urfer
>>> Mülligerstrasse 1
>>> CH-5413 Birmenstorf
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