JavaFX 2 memory leaks in StyleManager (making FX2 completely unusable for application development)

Ali Ebrahimi ali.ebrahimi1781 at
Tue Jul 30 04:46:31 PDT 2013

I sent a similar memory leak report a while ago for Modena demo app, and
they just close issue As Not producible. But I can see the same issue just

On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 3:58 PM, Tom Schindl <tom.schindl at>wrote:

> [resending because mail was blocked yesterday because of included images]
> Hi,
> I've been debugging a JavaFX application with a customer and we've found
> a tremendous memory leak in StyleManager when using icons.
> This bug makes JavaFX 2.x completely unusable because the application is
> using up to 1.5GB and more within a few mintues! Has anyone seen this
> and if I file a bug could I expect a bugfix in FX2?
> The screenshots from the Memory Analyzer can be seen at:
> Tom

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