JavaFX and iOS - it will remain a dream

Rick Walker thoughtslinger at
Tue Jul 30 12:49:38 PDT 2013

I agree, our customers want and need tablet/mobile solutions to complement
our desktop offering. The current "give it a shot, good luck, let us know
how it goes" approach is not the way to advance JavaFX in the mobile space.


On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 3:06 PM, Felix Bembrick <felix.bembrick at>wrote:

> Hi Tobi,
> I know how you feel.  As much as I am impressed with JavaFX, clearly its
> long-term survival does depend on it being viable on mobiles and tablets.
> All I can say is don't give up yet.  I am certainly not giving up.  I
> really hope we see something at JavaOne this year that will please us all.
> It *has* to be this year!
> Felix
> On 31 July 2013 02:40, Tobias Bley <tobi at> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > after many days trying to really build iOS apps with JavaFX and RoboVM or
> > Avian I’m very frustrated because of the following things:
> >
> > Based on RoboVM, JavaFX on iOS runs unacceptable slow - I don’t know the
> > reason - maybe it’s the rendering model of JavaFX - maybe it’s the
> > currently unoptimized RoboVM
> > One big problem of RoboVM is it’s dependence of the Android library, it
> > does not support the OpenJDK. That’s a big reason for many many problems
> > when using JavaFX. So currently it’s not possible to use fxml files
> > (FXMLoader) because of the missing Stax xml parser and classes like
> > XMLInputFactory in the android library…
> > Avian: we tried to use JavaFX in conjunction with Avian + OpenJDK and AOT
> > compiling… we hade no success…too complicated build process…no demos
> > available for iOS…
> >
> > So in my opinion „JavaFX on iOS“ will remain a dream…If there will be no
> > big company like Oracle or IBM who actively develops a VM for iOS and
> > Android, JavaFX will be useless, also on Desktop, then HTML5 or QT will
> be
> > the big winner for the most use cases on Desktop and mobile…
> >
> > Best,
> > Tobi
> >
> >

Richard P. Walker
thoughtslinger at

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