Missed "pulse"?

Scott Palmer swpalmer at gmail.com
Wed Jul 31 07:39:37 PDT 2013

Thanks for the hint, but in this case (my custom scroll pane) I have no
invalidation listeners.  I do have some observable properties but they are
only used with ChangeListeners or as arguments to some of the static
Bindings.* methods.

In the other cases I am just using the standard controls and layout


On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 5:00 AM, Werner Lehmann <
lehmann at media-interactive.de> wrote:

> Easy trap with invalidation listeners. If you don't get the property value
> after invalidation, the property remains invalidated and subsequent changes
> won't trigger another invalidation. To fix this, simply get the value (for
> nothing), or switch to change listeners...
> You probably know this by now but maybe somebody else didn't...
> Werner
> On 31.07.2013 10:47, Diego Cirujano-Cuesta wrote:
>> One of the problems was, I was using invalidation listeners and I
>> wasn't getting always the value

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