Mixing 2D and 3D

John C. Turnbull ozemale at ozemail.com.au
Wed Jul 31 13:14:27 PDT 2013


I intend to agree with you that Node may be "too big" to use as the basis
for a 3D model's triangles and quads given that there can easily be millions
of them and that manipulating or interacting with them on an individual
basis is mostly unlikely.  As you say, storing those models outside the
scenegraph seems to make sense...


-----Original Message-----
From: openjfx-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net
[mailto:openjfx-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net] On Behalf Of Jim Graham
Sent: Thursday, 1 August 2013 05:58
To: Richard Bair
Cc: openjfx-dev at openjdk.java.net Mailing
Subject: Re: Mixing 2D and 3D

I'm a little behind on getting into this discussion.

I don't have a lot of background in 3D application design, but I do have
some low-level rendering algorithm familiarity, and Richard's summary is an
excellent outline of the issues I was having with rampant mixing of 2D and
3D.  I see them as fundamentally different approaches to presentation, but
that easily combine in larger chunks such as "2D UI HUD over 3D scene" and
"3D-ish effects on otherwise 2D-ish objects".  I think the discussion
covered all of those in better detail than I could outline.

My main concerns with having the full-3D parts of the Scene Graph be mix-in
nodes are that there are attributes on Node that sometimes don't make sense,
but other times aren't necessarily the best approach to providing the
functionality in a 3D scene.  I was actually a little surprised at how few
attributes fell into the category of not making sense when Richard went
through the list in an earlier message.  A lot of the other attributes seem
to be non-optimal though.

- What is the minimum space taken for "new Node()" these days?  Is that too
heavyweight for a 3D scene with hundreds or thousands of "things", whatever
granularity we have, or come to have, for our Nodes?

- How often do those attributes get used on a 3D object?  If one is modeling
an engine, does one really need every mesh to be pickable, or are they
likely to be multi-mesh groups that are pickable?  In other words, you might
want to pick on the piston, but is that a single mesh?  And is the chain
that connects it to the alternator a single mesh or a dozen meshes per link
in the chain with 100 links?  (Yes, I know that alternators use belts, but
I'm trying to come up with meaningful examples.)

- How does picking work for 3D apps?  Is the ability to add listeners to
individual objects good or bad?

- How does picking interact with meshes that are tessellated on the fly?
Does one ever want to know which tessellated triangle was picked?  How does
that fit in with the 2D-ish picking events we deliver now?  If a cylinder is
picked, how do we describe which part of the cylinder was picked?

- Are umpteen isolated 2D-ish transform attributes a convenient or useful
way to manipulate 3D objects?  Or do we really want occasional transforms
inserted in only a few places that are basically a full Affine3D because
when you want a transform, you are most likely going to want to change
several attributes at once?  2D loves isolated just-translations like candy.
It also tends to like simple 2D scales and rotates around Z here and there.
But doesn't 3D love quaternion-based 3-axis rotations and scales that very
quickly fill most of the slots of a 3x3 or 4x3 matrix?

- Right now our Blend modes are pretty sparse, representing some of the more
common equations that we were aware of, but I'm not sure how that may hold
up in the future.  I can implement any blending equation that someone feeds
me, and optimize the heck out of the math of it - but I'm pretty unfamiliar
with which equations are useful to content creators in the 2D or 3D world or
how they may differ now or in our evolution.

- How will the nodes, and the granularity they impose, enable or prevent
getting to the point of an optimized bundle of vector and texture
information stored on the card that we tweak and re-trigger?  I should
probably start reading up on 3D hw utilization techniques.  8(

- Looking at the multi-camera issues I keep coming back to my original
pre-mis-conceptions of what 3D would add wherein I was under the novice
impression that we should have 3D models that live outside the SG, but then
have a 3DView that lives in the SG.  Multiple views would simply be multiple
3DView objects with shared models similar to multiple ImageViews vs. a small
number of Image objects.  I'm not a 3D person so that was simply my amateur
pre-conception of how 3D would be integrated, but I trust the expertise that
went into what we have now.  In this pre-concept, though, there were fewer
interactions of "3Disms" and "2Disms" - and much lighter weight players in
the 3D models.

- In looking briefly at some 3D-lite demos it looks like there are attempts
to do higher quality AA combined with depth sorting, possibly with breaking
primitives up so that they depth sort more cleanly.  Some docs on the CSS3
3D attributes indicate particular algorithms that they recommend for slicing
up the 2D objects to allow for back to front ordering that allows alpha to
mix better with Z while not necessarily targeting the kinds of performance
one might want for pure 3D.  Such techniques would also allow us to do the
algorithmic AA that runs into trouble in the "circles" demo that Richard
showed, but those techniques don't scale well.  On the other hand, it allows
for things like the CSS3 demo that has 4 images on rotating fan blades with
alpha - very pretty, but probably not done in a way that would facilitate a
model of a factory with 10K parts to be tracked (in particular, you can't do
that with just a Z-buffer alone due to the constantly re-sorted alpha):


I want to apologize for not having any concrete answers, but hopefully I ask
some enlightening questions?


On 7/18/2013 1:58 PM, Richard Bair wrote:
> While working on RT-5534, we found a large number of odd cases when mixing
2D and 3D. Some of these we talked about previously, some either we hadn't
or, at least, they hadn't occurred to me. With 8 we are defining a lot of
new API for 3D, and we need to make sure that we've very clearly defined how
2D and 3D nodes interact with each other, or developers will run into
problems frequently and fire off angry emails about it :-)
> Fundamentally, 2D and 3D rendering are completely different. There are
differences in how opacity is understood and applied. 2D graphics frequently
use clips, whereas 3D does not (other than clipping the view frustum or
other such environmental clipping). 2D uses things like filter effects (drop
shadow, etc) that is based on pixel bashing, whereas 3D uses light sources,
shaders, or other such techniques to cast shadows, implement fog, dynamic
lighting, etc. In short, 2D is fundamentally about drawing pixels and
blending using the Painters Algorithm, whereas 3D is about geometry and
shaders and (usually) a depth buffer. Of course 2D is almost always defined
as 0,0 in the top left, positive x to the right and positive y down, whereas
3D is almost always 0,0 in the center, positive x to the right and positive
y up. But that's just a transform away, so I don't consider that a
*fundamental* difference.
> There are many ways in which these differences manifest themselves when
mixing content between the two graphics.
> http://fxexperience.com/?attachment_id=2853
> This picture shows 4 circles and a rectangle. They are setup such that all
5 shapes are in the same group [c1, c2, r, c3, c4]. However depthBuffer is
turned on (as well as perspective camera) so that I can use Z to position
the shapes instead of using the painter's algorithm. You will notice that
the first two circles (green and magenta) have a "dirty edge", whereas the
last two circles (blue and orange) look beautiful. Note that even though
there is a depth buffer involved, we're still issuing these shapes to the
card in a specific order.
> For those not familiar with the depth buffer, the way it works is very
simple. When you draw something, in addition to recording the RGBA values
for each pixel, you also write to an array (one element per pixel) with a
value for every non-transparent pixel that was touched. In this way, if you
draw something on top, and then draw something beneath it, the graphics card
can check the depth buffer to determine whether it should skip a pixel. So
in the image, we draw green for the green circle, and then later draw the
black for the rectangle, and because some pixels were already drawn to by
the green circle, the card knows not to overwrite those with the black pixel
in the background rectangle.
> The depth buffer is just a technique used to ensure that content rendered
respects Z for the order in which things appear composited in the final
frame. (You can individually cause nodes to ignore this requirement by
setting depthTest to false for a specific node or branch of the scene graph,
in which case they won't check with the depth buffer prior to drawing their
pixels, they'll just overwrite anything that was drawn previously, even if
it has a Z value that would put it behind the thing it is drawing over!).
> For the sake of this discussion "3D World" means "depth buffer enabled"
and assumes perspective camera is enabled, and 2D means "2.5D capable" by
which I mean perspective camera but no depth buffer.
> So:
> 	1) Draw the first green circle. This is done by rendering the circle
into an image with nice anti-aliasing, and then rotating that image
>               and blend with anything already in the frame buffer
> 	2) Draw the magenta circle. Same as with green -- draw into an image
with nice AA and rotate and blend
> 	3) Draw the rectangle. Because the depth buffer is turned on, for
each pixel of the green & magenta circles, we *don't* render
> 	     any black. Because the AA edge has been touched with some
transparency, it was written to the depth buffer, and we will not
> 	     draw any black there. Hence the dirty fringe! No blending!
> 	4) Draw the blue circle into an image with nice AA, rotate, and
blend. AA edges are blended nicely with black background!
> 	5) Draw the orange circle into an image with nice AA, rotate, and
blend. AA edges are blended nicely with black background!
> Transparency in 3D is a problem, and on ES2 it is particularly difficult
to solve. As such, it is usually up to the application to sort their scene
graph nodes in such a way as to end up with something sensible. The
difficulty in this case is that when you use any 2D node and mix it in with
3D nodes (or even other 2D nodes but with the depth buffer turned on) then
you end up in a situation where the nice AA ends up being a liability rather
than an asset -- unless you have manually sorted all your nodes in such a
way as to avoid the transparency problems.
> There are other problems. Suppose you create a scene where you have 3
Rectangles, with Z values:
> r1.setTranslateZ(10);
> r2.setTranslateZ(20);
> r3.setTranslateZ(30);
> g1 = [r2, r3]
> g2 = [g1, r1]
> If you have the depth buffer turned on, then you would expect that r1 is
drawn on top of r2, which is drawn on top of r3, regardless of the presence
of groups, because the order in which things are rendered is independent of
the order in which they appear, since we're using a depth buffer, so the Z
values are the only thing that really dictates the order in which things
> Now, something weird is going to happen if I either apply an effect, clip,
blendMode, or turn node caching on to g1. Because all 4 of these properties
are 2D properties that by their nature result in "flattening". That is, they
take the scene graph they've been given and render to an intermediate image,
and are then composited into the rest of the scene. In this case, since g1
has no Z translation, what you would get is the combination of r2 and r3
drawn on top of r1! We've flattened r2 and r3 into an image which is then
rendered at Z=0, which is above r1 with z=10.
> This behavior, although surprising, is consistent and correct. But it sure
is surprising for those, who like me, are traditional 2D developers coming
to the 3D world!
> Then there is the new support for scene anti-aliasing (presently using
multi-sampling, referred to as MSAA . In our 2D rendering, we always
anti-alias all shapes using a special set of shaders and grayscale masks
generated in software. This is a common technique and produces objectively
the best AA money can buy, often with the least overhead (the cost is in
generating and uploading the masks, which for most things we've optimized
the heck out of, though for paths you still will run into the worst case
scenarios). MSAA on the other hand, applies an algorithm against the entire
scene in order to produce "automatic" AA on everything (there are many ways
to do scene anti-aliasing. One way you can think of would be to draw to a
buffer 4x or 8x as large as necessary, and then scale it down using bilinear
scaling to 1x and put that on the screen, letting the image scaling
algorithm do the work).
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/images/4/48/Msaa_comparison.png
> Here you can see the smoothed edges of the monster. However MSAA does take
extra cycles and on resource constrained devices you may not want to do this
at all. In addition, it gives you worse AA than you would get with our mask
/ shader approach for 2D shapes.
> Also, opacity. In 2D rendering contexts, using opacity means "render to an
image and apply the alpha blend to the entire image". This also inherently
means flattening. In 3D contexts, if you put an alpha on a Group, it should
mean "multiply this alpha with the alpha of each of my children
individually". This would always give the wrong result in 2D, but generally
the right one in 3D. And certainly better than flattening a group, which is
pretty much always a problem.
> So in summary, if you use 2D APIs in a 3D world (effect, clip, blendMode,
node caching) then you get surprising results. If you use a 2D shape in a 3D
world then the nice AA of 2D shapes may end up good or bad depending on the
render order relative to depth. And depending on whether you use a parallel
or perspective camera, using 3D shapes in a 2D world may end up quite
surprising as well.
> So what do I propose to do about this? Well, we can leave it be and just
document the heck out of it. Or we can try to tease apart the scene graph
into Node, Node3D, and NodeBase. Right now we're doing the former, and I've
tried the latter and it makes a mess in many places. We can talk about those
alternatives if you like, but to shorten (ahem) this message, I'm going to
just say it doesn't work (at least, it doesn't work well and may not work at
all) and leave it at that.
> Instead I propose that we keep the integrated scene graph as we have it,
but that we introduce two new classes, Scene3D and SubScene3D. These would
be configured specially in two ways. First, they would default to depthTest
enabled, scene antialiasing enabled, and perspective camera. Meanwhile,
Scene and SubScene would be configured for 2.5D by default, such that
depthTest is disabled, scene AA is disabled, and perspective camera is set.
In this way, if you rotate a 2.5D shape, you get perspective as you would
expect, but none of the other 3D behaviors. Scene3D and SubScene3D could
also have y-up and 0,0 in the center.
> Second, we will interpret the meaning of opacity differently depending on
whether you are in a Scene / SubScene, or a Scene3D / SubScene3D. Over time
we will also implement different semantics for rendering in both worlds. For
example, if you put a 2D rectangle in a Scene3D / SubScene3D, we would use a
quad to represent the rectangle and would not AA it at all, allowing the
scene3D's anti-aliasing property to define how to handle this. Likewise, a
complex path could either be tessellated or we could still use the mask +
shader approach to filling it, but that we would do so with no AA (so the
mask is black or white, not grayscale).
> If you use effects, clips, or blendModes we're going to flatten in the 3D
world as well. But since these are not common things to do in 3D, I find
that quite acceptable. Meanwhile in 3D we'll simply ignore the cache
property (since it is just a hint).
> So the idea is that we can have different pipelines optimized for 2D or 3D
rendering, and we will key-off which kind to use based on Scene / Scene3D,
or SubScene / SubScene3D. Shapes will look different depending on which
world they're rendered in, but that follows. All shapes (2D and 3D) will
render by the same rules in the 3D realm.
> Thoughts?
> Richard

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