Touch Events, Scrolling, and Windows Pen

Artem Ananiev artem.ananiev at
Mon Jun 3 07:47:31 PDT 2013

On 6/3/2013 5:52 PM, Anthony Petrov wrote:
> Hi Danno,
> Thank you for the patch. I've published a webrev at:
> The fix looks fine to me. Could anyone else please review it?




> --
> best regards,
> Anthony
> On 06/03/13 04:59, Danno Ferrin wrote:
>> I created a new bug for the pen support bug, with a tested patch.  I
>> spent way more time getting the build up than doing the fix, such is
>> native work.
>> For the pan-select, I attached a fix for list views to the existing
>> bug.  If that approach passes muster I can do the same for tree and
>> table.
>> On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 10:46 AM, Anthony Petrov
>> <anthony.petrov at <mailto:anthony.petrov at>> wrote:
>>     Sounds good to me.
>>     Danno, could you please prepare a patch for this bug, test it, and
>>     post it for review here?
>>     --
>>     best regards,
>>     Anthony
>>     On 05/28/2013 07:46 PM, Danno Ferrin wrote:
>>         For 8.0 that would be the best solution IMHO.
>>         On May 28, 2013 8:41 AM, "Pavel Safrata"
>>         <pavel.safrata at <mailto:pavel.safrata at>>
>> wrote:
>>             So it seems to me that in short term (FX8) the pen should
>>             produce mouse
>>             events with isSynthesized==false. We can introduce something
>>             more advanced
>>             in the future, but right now it should generally work and
>>             the synthesized
>>             flag really seems to be misused here.
>>             Pavel
>>             On 28.5.2013 16:09, Danno Ferrin wrote:
>>                 On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 2:44 AM, Anthony Petrov
>>                 <anthony.petrov at
>>                 <mailto:anthony.petrov at>>**__wrote:
>>                    Hi Danno,
>>                     On 05/27/2013 07:27 PM, Danno Ferrin wrote:
>>                        My next problem is the pen device on Windows.
>>                       The only events captured
>>                         in
>>                         JavaFX from a pen are mouse events.  To
>>                         complicate things the
>>                         "Synthesized"
>>                         flag is set.  This is a bit disconcerting
>>                         because to the view of a JFX
>>                         app
>>                         there is no other event for it to be synthesized
>>                         to.  So I would propose
>>                         the isPenEvent method in
>>                         /glass/glass-lib-windows/src/*__**
>>                         *ViewContainer.cpp
>>                         be
>>                         added to check that the 0x80 bit is set by
>>                         changing the signature
>>                         to 0xFF515780 and the mask to 0xFFFFFF80, making
>>                         a pen event look just
>>                         like
>>                         a mouse event, since it only generates mouse
>>                         events. (the linked MSDN
>>                         article in the code explains the lower 8 bits,
>>                         and the high bit is a
>>                         pen/touch flag, the logic may need to be more
>>                         complex).  To distinguish
>>                         a
>>                         pen tap perhaps we set the direct flag but not
>>                         the synthesized flag,
>>                         since
>>                         a pen is direct on the screen (usually).
>>                         So am I way off base on these?  Should I work up
>>                         a patch for these?  Or
>>                         must the current behavior be maintained.
>>                            AFAIK, we haven't tested Glass/FX with a Pen
>>                         device and I doubt we even
>>                     have proper hardware to test it at the moment. So
>>                     such a patch would
>>                     certainly be welcome. Please feel free to post it on
>>                     this mailing list
>>                     for
>>                     a review.
>>                        I think the QA and dev team should invest a few
>>                     thousand and buy one or
>>                 two
>>                 each of a Surface Pro, a Samsung Ativ 500T, and maybe an
>>                 Asus VivoTab (but
>>                 only the Asus if you can get the pen with it on the same
>>                 order).  The
>>                 "triple threat" input devices (mouse/pen/touch) will
>>                 cover a lot of bases.
>>                    However, we should first decide how we want to
>>                 process Pen events. They
>>                     are not regular mouse events, nor are they similar
>>                     to regular touch
>>                     events
>>                     (though they have a lot in common with the latter).
>>                     E.g. suppose you can
>>                     control your Surface Pro with a finger using its
>>                     touch screen. These are
>>                     touch events. Now, you could also connect a USB
>>                     mouse to this device, and
>>                     that would have to generate regular mouse events.
>>                     Additionally, you could
>>                     connect a graphic tablet such as a Wacom Bamboo for
>>                     example, and this
>>                     device would have to generate some special Pen
>>                     events, right?
>>                        As far as I can tell pen evens are just the same
>>                     as mouse events unless
>>                 you
>>                 use microsofts "Ink" APIs to insert "Ink" into your
>>                 application.  So
>>                 unless
>>                 JavaFX adds support for digital ink, there is vey little
>>                 difference. The
>>                 only one that comes to mind is pressure sensitivity, and
>>                 the minority of
>>                 windows pen screens or pads support pressure sensitivity.
>>                    Should we introduce a new kind of events for Pen
>>                 events in FX? Or does it
>>                     make sense to use touch events for this purpose? How
>>                     would we distinguish
>>                     between finger- and pen- based input events in the
>>                     above scenario then?
>>                        Behavior is a big difference in pen vs touch.
>>                       Tap and drag for touch
>>                 gets interpreted as a scroll pan, while tap and drag for
>>                 a pen
>>                 gets interpreted as a mouse click and drag, for example
>>                 selecting text.
>>                 Pen events don't generate touch gestures like the touch
>>                 screens do.
>>                    Unless
>>                 you count the "flicks" api in microsoft land which just
>>                 generates events
>>                 at
>>                 the windows level for stuff like delete, cut, copy,
>>                 paste, etc.  Much like
>>                 the multimedia keyboard.
>>                 A new boolean field could be added isPen could be added
>>                 on the mouseEvent,
>>                 or a new enum property at InputEvent called Input
>>                 Device, that would
>>                 enumerate if it was mouse, touch, pen, keyboard, or
>>                 whatever standard
>>                 input
>>                 devies show up in the future.  These enums could then be
>>                 loaded with all
>>                 sorts of interesting queries in case a user wants to
>>                 write their app in a
>>                 future proof way, such as are drag events principally
>>                 pan-scrolling, is
>>                 the
>>                 gesture device direct/indirect.  Maybe not an enum, but
>>                 a separate HCI
>>                 object rather than pushing the random flags into the
>>                 event system.
>>                    What other options do we have?
>>                        Keeping pen input second class is fine I think,
>>                     as long as it is
>>                 consistent
>>                 with the differences between touch and mouse in non-ink
>>                 areas.  If we have
>>                 to confuse them with one type or the other, confuse them
>>                 with mouse events
>>                 because they are closer to mouse events then touch
>>                 events. There are more
>>                 important areas for JavaFX to go to before it goes down
>>                 the digital ink
>>                 path.
>>                    --
>>                     best regards,
>>                     Anthony

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