
Daniel Zwolenski zonski at
Wed Jun 5 05:14:37 PDT 2013

Thanks Mark. If the user sets a preloader in the plugin I'm going to pass that same class to the jar and to the native bundle. I guess people will complain to me if that doesn't work and I'll point them your way. 

Are they ever going to let you do some packager stuff? I gave up waiting for the revolution and rebuilt the maven plugin to be less crap than it was but its the underlying packaging tools that need the rewrite if JFX is ever going to have a decent deployment option.  

On 05/06/2013, at 3:58 AM, Mark Howe <mark.howe at> wrote:

> It should be the one within the bundle otherwise deploying an app bundle won't work. If you find otherwise please create an issue. 
> Cheers
> Mark
> On May 29, 2013, at 6:51 AM, Scott Palmer <swpalmer at> wrote:
>> I think native bundles should use the preloader contained within.  I use
>> the Preloader to implement a splash screen since my app takes a long time
>> to start up, even though all the jars are already "downloaded".
>> On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 8:40 AM, Daniel Zwolenski <zonski at> wrote:
>>> The jfx packaging tools allow pre-loaders to be set. I don't use them but
>>> people using the maven plugin want them.
>>> It looks like you can set a preloader for both jars and for bundles (web,
>>> native). When building the bundles however they include the jar in them. So
>>> we end up with both the bundle, and the jar within the bundle, getting the
>>> preloader set.
>>> Does anyone know what will or should happen in this case? Does one
>>> preloader take precedence and the other is ignored, or are both used at
>>> different times and I should allow the user to set a different jar
>>> preloader to the bundle one, or is this setup invalid and I should actually
>>> not pass the preloader setting to one or the other in this case?
>>> Not using Preloaders myself and with the packaging tool code being a
>>> complete mess, it would be good to know the expectations here so I can
>>> properly support the users wanting this.
>>> Cheers
>>> Dan

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