Experience with piecewise migration Swing -> JFX

Pedro Duque Vieira pedro.duquevieira at gmail.com
Sun Jun 16 10:19:54 PDT 2013

I've grabbed my previous blog post about this subject and rewritten it to
be more up-to-date with the current state of things.
I'm sorry for the publicity but this is a far easier way to explain what
I've learned about the subject -

Cheers, hope this helps,

On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 8:28 AM, Robert Krüger <krueger at lesspain.de> wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 11:39 PM, Pedro Duque Vieira
> <pedro.duquevieira at gmail.com> wrote:
> > My biggest problems were with having 2 UI threads.
> >
> > I ran into some concurrency issues between the 2.
> >
> Meaning things that just needed extra care or things that were hard to
> work around? Could you elaborate a bit?

Pedro Duque Vieira

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