Experience with piecewise migration Swing -> JFX

Werner Lehmann lehmann at media-interactive.de
Mon Jun 17 07:00:26 PDT 2013


On 17.06.2013 15:37, Artem Ananiev wrote:
>>> Even with one JFXPanel and other Swing UI on the same window, you'll get
>>> >>  a problem with tab focus movement: the jfxpanel would happily receive
>>> >>  focus but then users cannot "tab out" of the jfxpanel.
>> >
>> >  Did you file a bug for this issue?
> There is already filed one:
> RT-10919: Provide possibility to traverse focus out of FX scene

this one is inaccessible/invisible. I had created RT-24136 back then. 
May or may not be a duplicate.


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