javafx-font opensourced

Daniel Zwolenski zonski at
Thu Jun 20 16:21:22 PDT 2013

This time sending to the list (gets me every time!):

Great news!

Danno - where does this put us with the JFX78 backport? Can we get a build
of this for iOS now or what's needed to close this loop?

The RoboVM Maven plugin is working. I'd be keen to make it work with JFX
auto included so basically you can create a normal project and run mvn
robovm:ipad-simulator (robovm:ios-device is under construction) and next
thing you have a running JFX app on iOS, no mess, no fuss.

I have a pitch for a suite of fairly major app development next week. So
many unknowns with JFX and app development at this stage! I'm still pretty
disappointed that JFX on iOS/Android is not officially supported by Oracle
(such a massive wtf? for me) - makes it such a risky prospect for us on the
front line.

On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 3:47 AM, Felipe Heidrich <felipe.heidrich at
> wrote:

> Hello,
> We have just open-sourced javafx-font and javafx-font-native!
> Note that a lot of the code we open-sourced today is a new implementation
> based on native text technologies (CoreText for the Mac and DirectWrite for
> Windows).
> We still have a lot of work to do:
> - finishing the new linux implementation is a big one
> - testing
> - improve on sub pixel position text
> - etc
> Help is most welcome,
> Thank you
> Felipe

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