javafx-font opensourced

Richard Bair richard.bair at
Fri Jun 21 00:14:32 PDT 2013

> Are we talking Oracle or OpenJDK here. I got the impression those libs were Open?

Right, it is confusing. Much of the code we (meaning the build system) are building all the time (for example, all of webkit or gstreamer). However some of it (libxslt, libxml, some others) we have only built and then loaded up onto an internal web server as a zip. The existing closed ant build system downloads that zip and unpacks it, and then the existing ant build uses those libraries for building webkit and producing the final artifacts.

So in order to get the build working we either need to include the sources for these libs and build them every time, or build them once and put them someplace that Gradle can download them from. The ideal thing would be for OpenJDK to have a public binary repository in which we can put all our OpenJDK stuff (including snapshots of every build, and all the native libraries, etc) and then our gradle build can just pull everything from there. However in the meantime, I'd be happy if those native libs lived anywhere and we wired it up in the gradle build to make it automatic.

The point I was making about Oracle vs OpenJDK is just that the Official Java / JavaFX / Oracle JDK builds will always probably be downloaded via that web page and the continuous builds of that might not be exposed in a binary repository. But the OpenJDK / OpenJFX builds certainly could be AFAIK and certainly could be hosted by anybody on any server since it is all just GPL.

So what I was referring to wasn't putting builds of OpenJFX into Maven so much as putting the libxml, libxslt, and other web dependencies someplace like maven that we could then pull from in order to be able to build web view.


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