hg: openjfx/8/graphics/rt: Gradle Build: Moved supplementalPropertyFile include to be after the definition of STUB_RUNTIME. Adjusted location of plugin.jar to be relative to STUB_RUNTIME. Removed plugin renaming step since it is no longer needed (fixed in closed build the cause of the plugin-.jar name).

hang.vo at oracle.com hang.vo at oracle.com
Mon Jun 24 13:33:34 PDT 2013

Changeset: cb44813e4ee6
Author:    Richard Bair <richard.bair at oracle.com>
Date:      2013-06-24 13:25 -0700
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/8/graphics/rt/rev/cb44813e4ee6

Gradle Build: Moved supplementalPropertyFile include to be after the definition of STUB_RUNTIME. Adjusted location of plugin.jar to be relative to STUB_RUNTIME. Removed plugin renaming step since it is no longer needed (fixed in closed build the cause of the plugin-.jar name).

! build.gradle

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