FX 8 3D sample FXTuxCube : several issues detected
August Lammersdorf, InteractiveMesh
sdn at interactivemesh.com
Wed Jun 26 05:10:02 PDT 2013
Done : RT-31295, RT-31296, RT-31297, RT-31299, and RT-31300.
Am Montag, den 24.06.2013, 05:55 +0200 schrieb Kevin Rushforth
<kevin.rushforth at oracle.com>:
> Hi August,
> Can you file JIRA issues for these problems? None of these sound
> exactly like any known issues.
> -- Kevin
> August Lammersdorf, InteractiveMesh wrote:
>> FXTuxCube is a SubScene-based interactive 3D application to meassure
>> the 3D system performance.
>> Are following issues known or under development or should they be
>> reported? Haven't found any corresponding JIRA issues.
>> - SubScene.setFill(Color.TRANSPARENT) required, otherwise SubScene
>> doesn't receive mouse events
>> - Hierarchical RotateTransitions (cube and tuxes) result in a more
>> (cube size 2) or less (cube size 12) uneven rotation
>> - A BackgroundFill with a Color object creates a weird blending
>> result, LinearGradient and RadialGradient work fine (Windows only)
>> - ComboBox.setPromptText("Select") results in an empty label, see
>> Viewpoint's ComboBox
>> - Resizing the window crashes the application (Linux only)
>> FXTuxCube is available here :
>> http://www.interactivemesh.org/models/jfx3dtuxcube.html
>> August
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