Integrating javafx ui into custom (jogl based) OpenGL application

Herve Girod herve.girod at
Sat Mar 2 13:18:54 PST 2013

Yes we only need this kind of stuff via JNI of course.

2013/3/2 Scott Palmer <swpalmer at>

> On 2013-03-02, at 8:09 AM, Herve Girod <herve.girod at> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I'm developing a OpenGL based 3d application and instead of writing my
> >> own ui code I'd like to reuse javafx for the ui part.
> >>
> >> Since getting an OpenGL context from JavaFX seems to be very complicated
> >> (as discussed here) i thought about a different approach.
> >>
> >> What if javafx could reuse my rendering context.
> >> I'm thinking of implementing a custom prism backend which renders within
> >> my application context, after my content was rendered.
> >>
> >> As far as i know is the prism api is an internal implementation detail,
> >> but it may be possible to ignore changes to it by bundling a specific
> >> jre version with the application.
> >>
> >> I have not yet digged into prism code but I like to hear your thoughts
> >> about this approach.
> >>
> >> greetings Christoph
> >>
> >>
> > We also would like to integrate a JavaFX UI in an external OpenGL
> context.
> > We already do it with regular Swing by leveraging JOGL and another
> > OpenGL-AWT geom bridge  library in our Open source project (
> >, but it's not so simple to to it
> > well. It would be greate to be able to make JavaFX to work "easily" with
> > other applications which also use OpenGL.
> >
> > Our use case is integrating Java graphics on top of an external context
> > created by apps such as a flight simulator terrain rendering for example.
> > We could also do it in Java of course, but often you have to use an
> > existing OpenGL renderer for that.
> >
> > However for information it's not necessary to change the JDK to do this
> in
> > Swing, even if it is not simple as I said.
> I wonder if something as simple as using two windows would work.  Your
> custom OpenGL window beneath a mostly transparent but otherwise ordinary
> JavaFX Stage.  The issue of course is keeping the two windows paired up.
>  That's one reason that I've been pushing for access to native window
> handles (via JNI-only so there are no security concerns).  It would be
> awesome if we had the ability to make a window via native code that used
> our JavaFX window as it's parent.
> It *seems* like a simple thing to do, but it opens up a world of
> possibilities.
> Scott

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