Make Fullscreen Warning overlay none-mandatory

John C. Turnbull ozemale at
Thu Mar 7 09:38:02 PST 2013

I think you need to be able to set whether or not the warning appears but also the text of the warning. The default text of the warning may not be suitable for all situations so it would be helpful to have it customisable.

On 08/03/2013, at 4:06, David Hill <David.Hill at> wrote:

> On 3/7/13 Mar 7, 10:12 AM, David Hill wrote:
>> On 3/7/13 Mar 7, 9:57 AM, Tom Schindl wrote:
>>> Hi Kevin,
>>> So because it is not scheduled for a release I guess there's no chance
>>> it gets included in JFX8 (although it has 42 votes as of now) because we
>>> are post API freeze.
>>> Like I said because the source is now open I'm happy to work on a patch
>>> but for this I'd first like to know if it could be in any circumstance
>>> considered for FX8 or it simply is too late.
>> The Embedded team has a related issue  ( RT-25018 <>) that will need to be addressed before SE8, so I think this likely to be resolved with that. Our problem is that in a touch only situation, the extra insult is that there is no ESC key to press....  Also - our target market is one which the apps will generally be fullscreen.
> Tom,
>   if you would like to work on this, I would be happy to help and get it committed.
> There are a couple of ways we would want to make it so that we could disable the ESC message:
>   A Stage API
>   Detect when there is no keyboard present (likely in many Embedded applications).
> The Stage API would allow dedicated applications (like in a kiosk) to declare their dislike of the message.
> What should we use for a name though ? Nothing I have thought of so far is very pleasant.
>   Stage.setDisableFullScreenWarning()   (ick)
> Kevin suggested to me:
>    Stage.setEnableFullScreenWarning(boolean) with a default of true.
> Dave Hill
>> Dave
>>> Tom
>>> Am 07.03.13 15:25, schrieb Kevin Rushforth:
>>>> There is already a JIRA filed for this:
>>>> -- Kevin
>>>> Hendrik Ebbers wrote:
>>>>> +1
>>>>> Am 07.03.2013 um 11:50 schrieb Philipp Dörfler<phdoerfler at>:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Yes please! Make the fullscreen hint optional. The warning might be
>>>>>> warranted for JavaFX applications running in the browser (if there is
>>>>>> still somebody out there with an enabled Java Plug-in *hint hint*,
>>>>>> sorry :p ). For desktop applications it is quite unnecessary IMO and
>>>>>> in addition to the warning, the keybinding (ESC) hurts, too: Games
>>>>>> for instance usually show a menu and pause the game when pressing ESC.
>>>>>> In addition to the options outlined by Tom (from which I would choose
>>>>>> "b)", I would like to throw in an additional one:
>>>>>> c) If the JavaFX app is running from within the browser keep the
>>>>>> current behavior.
>>>>>> If it is running as a stand alone app, enter fullscreen silently,
>>>>>> don't show a warning and don't associate ESC with setFullScreen(false)
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> ~ Philipp
>>>>>> Am 07.03.2013 um 11:24 schrieb Tom Schindl
>>>>>> <tom.schindl at>:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> Before I file a JIRA-Ticket I'd like to start a dicussion here to find
>>>>>>> out if my point of view is completely wrong.
>>>>>>> If you currently put a Stage into Fullscreen mode it displays the
>>>>>>> message "Press ESC to exit full-screen mode.".
>>>>>>> The first problem with the overlay presented is that while the Group is
>>>>>>> big enough for the English-Text it looks like nobody ever checked this
>>>>>>> with the german translation ("Dr\u00FCcken Sie ESC, um den
>>>>>>> Vollbildmodus
>>>>>>> zu beenden.") - I'll file a JIRA for it anyways.
>>>>>>> Still this is not my problem. What I'd like to suggest is that I as a
>>>>>>> developer can turn of the forced overlay.
>>>>>>> I could think of multiple possibilities:
>>>>>>> a) through a System-Property (-Djavafx.quantum.fullscreenwarning=false)
>>>>>>> b) through an API on the Stage
>>>>>>> What do you think about a) or b) is there a chance to get something
>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>> this in FX8, or is it too late already? Do you see any reason
>>>>>>> turning of
>>>>>>> the overlay could cause problems?
>>>>>>> Since the quantum sources are now available I'd be able to implement a
>>>>>>> desired feature using a) or b) and provide a patch.
>>>>>>> Tom
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> B e s t S o l u t i o n . a t                        EDV Systemhaus
>>>>>>> GmbH
>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> tom schindl                 geschäftsführer/CEO
>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> eduard-bodem-gasse 5-7/1   A-6020 innsbruck     fax      ++43 512
>>>>>>> 935833
>>>>>>>                       phone    ++43 512
>>>>>>> 935834
>> -- 
>> David Hill<David.Hill at>
>> Java Embedded Development
>> "A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world."
>> -- George Santayana (1863 - 1952)
> -- 
> David Hill <David.Hill at>
> Java Embedded Development
> "Hell, there are no rules here-- we're trying to accomplish something."
> -- Thomas A. Edison (1847 - 1931)

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