hg: openjfx/8/graphics/rt: 2 new changesets

hang.vo at oracle.com hang.vo at oracle.com
Thu Mar 7 20:03:55 PST 2013

Changeset: 3465e08c8a3a
Author:    rbair
Date:      2013-03-07 19:58 -0800
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/8/graphics/rt/rev/3465e08c8a3a

Added ability to designate the build dir instead of inferring it, so that I could make this work with Gradle

! javafx-ui-common/test/unit/com/sun/javafx/css/CssMetaDataTest.java

Changeset: 86c6c588c7a7
Author:    rbair
Date:      2013-03-07 19:59 -0800
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/8/graphics/rt/rev/86c6c588c7a7

Upated Gradle build & generation scripts

! build.gradle
! generator.gradle

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