The relationship between Scene Builder and Firefox

Scott Palmer swpalmer at
Sat Mar 16 08:28:57 PDT 2013

This is probably caused by a bug in Windows.  The Microsoft Installer tech doesn't identify the "files in use" properly.  Using only the filename and not the full path.  So if the java plugin has a file with the same name as one installed by Scene Builder it will be confused.


On 2013-03-16, at 9:58 AM, "John C. Turnbull" <ozemale at> wrote:

> I am just a little curious...  I just tried to uninstall my current version
> of Scene Builder on Windows and it told me that I needed to close Firefox
> before the uninstall could proceed.
> Why does installing or uninstalling Scene Builder have anything to do with
> Firefox???
> (Apologies if this is not the most appropriate forum for this question...  I
> figured I would get the definitive answer here).

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