JavaFX Update Question
Mark Fortner
phidias51 at
Sat Mar 16 11:58:38 PDT 2013
Applets still get a fair amount of usage behind the firewall. But JNLP
really simplifies deployment. Most of the recent focus on deployment has
been on building native artifacts. But they are often dependent on having
a VM with the appropriate OS available. It think most of us would like to
be able to build artifacts on a single OS, or have a server- or cloud-based
install builder capable of building for all of the platforms you want. I
think Zonski discussed this on an earlier thread, and did the topic more
justice than I'm doing.
On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 10:55 AM, Konrad Zuse <thekonradzuse at>wrote:
> I agree I have noticed some issues with charts, but no table issues yet.
> FX is still new in the grand scheme(2.0), as it's only 1 year old. As for
> Java issues and "Vulnerabilities" those only happened with Applets as far
> as I know, and 7.13-15 was meant to fix a lot of those issues. Most people
> say Applets are dead anyways, but i would like to see fixes where we don't
> have to discard parts of our language because they can cause bugs...
> I honestly don't think the vulnerabilites in applets even hurt companies.
> Java bumped over C in the past 2 moths on TIOBE's index, you would think
> Java would tank after the vulnerability issue... Not seeing it.
> Personally I'd like to see more push on the Mobile front, not too sure
> honestly which open community is dealing with it... I know there are some
> Ex-Sun coders who are making an OpenSource port, but I hear OpenJDK is
> going to be doing some as well?
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 10:44:57 -0700
> Subject: Re: JavaFX Update Question
> From: phidias51 at
> To: thekonradzuse at; openjfx-dev at
> Hi Konrad,
> Actually, I've only been talking about the availability of high priority
> bug fixes in Java 7 patch releases. Lack of 3D support is not really a
> show-stopper for most corporations. Getting deployment issues, table, and
> charting issues fixed would tend to take higher precedence. I think Zonski
> and others have covered most of the deployment-related issues, and there
> have been a number of issues filed to improve things.
> If Java 8 is due in September, it won't hit most corporate desktops until
> Q1 of 2014. If we have fixes for JNLP, applets, and other deployment issues
> and security issues, and are wowed enough in September, then there might be
> some reason for companies to continue to install Java on the desktop
> (either to prompt the upgrade to 8, or to at least upgrade to the latest
> version of 7).
> There's been plenty of bad press lately, which have prompted some
> companies to either remove Java from the desktop, or lock it down at the
> firewall. Admittedly, I'd like to see that situation change, and I'm
> looking for useful counter-arguments.
> Cheers,
> Mark
> On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 9:58 AM, Konrad Zuse <thekonradzuse at>wrote:
> You are mentioning a few things at once.
> Some people don't upgrade their Java because they don't need to. Why
> should I update to Javas 7, if Java 6 suffices all of my needs? why pay
> some coder to re-code everything when we don't need to? Also there are
> companies that probably still run Java 1.2, from 15 years ago :p. Most
> companies don't use the latest and greatest. Adaption time is when you
> want to adapt. If your company needs 3D support via JavaFX it will be
> ready for the release, or even build using the beta-builds currently
> available.
> You keep saying "JavaFX fixes" what "fix" are you looking for? The
> changes in JavaFX are the language itself, 3D support, and all of the
> additions we'vebeen waiting for. They aren't going to throw that into 7,
> because there is no point to.
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 09:52:07 -0700
> Subject: Re: JavaFX Update Question
> From: phidias51 at
> To: thekonradzuse at
> CC: openjfx-dev at
> Unfortunately, most organizations of any size don't adopt a technology as
> soon as it's released. Witness the fact that the switch from 1.4 to 5 or 6
> took more than 4 years to accomplish and there are still organizations out
> there running 1.4. The typical lag between a release and adoption is a
> minimum of 6 months. The only exception is for security-related patches.
> Which brings me back to my original question, if JavaFX fixes are deployed
> along with the security patches, then we'll start to see the benefits
> sooner rather than later.
> Cheers,
> Mark
> On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 9:32 AM, Konrad Zuse <thekonradzuse at>wrote:
> As others have said no changes are being made to 7, what's the point since
> we are all prepping for 8's release at the end of the year. Make sure to
> be updated with the beta builds as new builds come out every 1-2 weeks I
> believe. If you find any bugs, or have suggestions/tweaks hit up JIRA for
> JavaFX
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