Drombler FX: building modular JavaFX applications with OSGi and Maven

Filipe Portes omeuefilipe at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 11:09:40 PDT 2013

Hi everyone,

sorry for revive this old thread.
I made some update in ModuleFX, now its more simple, run with JavaFX 2.2
inside the JDK 7 and in theory(need more tests) works in any OS.

Best Regards.

On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 5:35 PM, Florian Brunner <fbrunnerlist at gmx.ch>wrote:

> Hi Tom, hi Filipe,
> Sorry, for the late answer. I somehow didn't get these e-mails, but I just
> found them in the Internet.
> Yes, all you need to do to make the JavaFX classes accessible by OSGi is
> to specify "org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra" and pass this
> information to org.osgi.framework.launch.FrameworkFactory.newFramework in
> your OSGi launcher.
> You can find the relevant code in these projects:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/drombler/drombler-fx/ci/e82071dc633c32da770ee600ac421f9bb89ad1d9/tree/drombler-fx-startup-main/
> and
> https://sourceforge.net/p/drombler/drombler-acp/ci/f2c9da0d549677805fbcb3c5250e139a5d8925fb/tree/drombler-acp-startup-main/
> Or in other words: since JavaFX is installed separately on the end user
> machines (as part of the JRE), we can access them as "system packages"
> (similar to all the other classes of the standard Java library) rather than
> wrapping JavaFX up somehow as a bundle (which we don't do for the other
> classes of the standard Java library either).
> Note that even this shoudn't be necessary once JavaFX gets part of the
> standard JDK and your OSGi implementation specifies
> "org.osgi.framework.system.packages" accordingly.
> The next step is to make sure JavaFX gets started properly.
> For this you need the following Manifest entries in your main jar:
> JavaFX-Application-Class: org.drombler.fx.startup.main.Main
> JavaFX-Version: 2.0
> Main-Class: com.javafx.main.Main
> where org.drombler.fx.startup.main.Main is an OSGi launcher for JavaFX.
> The drombler-fx-startup-main project mentioned above specifies the
> Manifest entries to be generated in the POM and the Drombler FX Maven
> Plugin adds the com.javafx.main.* classes to the final main jar (similar to
> what the Ant script provided by JavaFX is doing). The plugin also copies
> all direct and transitive dependencies with scope "compile" or "runtime" to
> the deployment directory.
> Here is the relevant project:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/drombler/drombler-fx/ci/e82071dc633c32da770ee600ac421f9bb89ad1d9/tree/drombler-fx-maven-plugin/
> Have a look at CreateStandaloneZipMojo.
> So far no JavaFX class has been used (apart from com.javafx.main.Main
> specified the Manifest).
> The next step is to call javafx.application.Application.launch.
> Drombler FX does this in a simple OSGi bundle using OSGi Declarative
> Services (using Apache Felix SCR annotations).
> Here is the relevant project:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/drombler/drombler-fx/ci/e82071dc633c32da770ee600ac421f9bb89ad1d9/tree/drombler-fx-core-application/
> Have a look at the following classes: FXApplicationLauncher and
> ModularApplication
> Again, if you're using Drombler FX you will get all of this out-of-the-box
> and several extension points as well.
> - Florian
> > Hi tom,
> >
> > I follow your projects for long time, really like... i'm such a fan!!
> >
> > I created the moduleFX for the 2.1 JavaFX, and JDK version without
> > preinstalled JavaFX, never tested for the newer versions... for sure I'll
> > look at florian domblerFX to learn how to manage this problem!! Thanks
> for
> > the tips!!
> >
> > On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 7:24 PM, Tom Schindl <tom.... at bestsolution.at
> >wrote:
> >
> > Hi Filipe,
> >
> > From code inspection I think Florians solution is the way to get JavaFX
> > running in Felix because he's modifying
> > "org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra". If I'm not 100% mistaken your
> > solution will hit what I describe at
> > http://tomsondev.bestsolution.at/2012/08/01/javafx-2-2-and-osgi/ in the
> > "Straight Repackageing" section.
> >
> > In short: If a user runs with your solution on a JDK which has JavaFX
> > preinstalled the native code from the JDK will be picked up and the
> > Java-Code from your module-fx and there are good chances that they don't
> > match!
> >
> > If I got the solution from Florian right he's using
> > org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra to teach OSGi the new packages
> and
> > somehow modifies the application classpath, or something similar.
> >
> > My Equinox solution on the other hand has the advantage that you don't
> have
> > to control the bootstraping which is e.g. the case when you want to use
> > JavaFX inside an Eclipse Plugin.
> >
> > Tom
> >
> > Am 13.12.12 18:00, schrieb Filipe Portes:
> >
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I create a simple project called ModuleFX that also make you capable of
> run
> > JavaFX application over OSGI, It's still very simple, but if anyone get
> > intersted here's the link: https://github.com/filipeportes/ModuleFX
> >
> > On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 11:09 AM, Florian Brunner <fbru... at gmx.ch wrote:
> >
> > Hi everybody,
> >
> > I'm happy to announce the availabilty of a first Early Access version of
> > Drombler FX. Drombler FX is a modular Rich Client Platform for JavaFX.
> >
> > You can read more about it here: http://puces-
> > blog.blogspot.ch/2012/12/drombler-fx-building-modular-javafx.html
> >
> > There's a Getting Started page which explains how to create, build and
> run a
> > Drombler FX sample application with a few simple steps:
> >
> > http://wiki.drombler.org/GettingStarted
> >
> > - Florian
> >
> > -- B e s t S o l u t i o n . a t EDV Systemhaus GmbH
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> tom
> > schindl geschäftsführer/CEO
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > eduard-bodem-gasse 5-7/1 A-6020 innsbruck fax ++43 512 935833
> > http://www.BestSolution.at phone ++43 512 935834
> >
> > -- Filipe Portes - @filipeportes Java Architect - Senior Java EE/Web
> > JUGLeader Gojava <http://www.gojava.org/> - @gojava

Filipe Portes - @filipeportes
Java Architect - Senior Java EE/Web
JUGLeader Gojava <http://www.gojava.org/> - @gojava

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