[API Review]: RT-28148 - Add createSymbols Property to AreaChart / StackedAreaChart
Mark Fortner
phidias51 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 15:19:00 PDT 2013
The problem that I have with the Callback interface is that there are no
semantics around it. You use the same interface to handle getting values
as you do rendering them. At least with a Swing CellRenderer you knew what
was expected.
The other problem is that the generics around the Callback make it
virtually unreadable. If you want to extend Callback to provide a more
meaningful interface, that might work.
The other thing I'd like to see is more injection points for basic types of
rendering. A SeriesRenderer interface for example that lets you inject how
you want a series rendered. A LegendItemRenderer to let you determine how
to render a legend item. Zooming and Panning algorithms and controls, are
just a few of the things that spring to mind.
On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 2:48 PM, Paru Somashekar <
parvathi.somashekar at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Sven,
> I shall review the patch attached to RT-28148 and test it, I can check it
> in once Rich approves of the change.
> I have created a new JIRA for additional flexibility for symbol creation
> in charts.
> https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/**browse/RT-29232<https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-29232>.
> We can add the discussion to the comments in the JIRA.
> thanks,
> Paru.
> On 3/26/13 12:54 PM, Sven Reimers wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> it seems to me that nobody objected to go forward with this tweak - what
>> are the next steps?
>> Thanks
>> -Sven
>> On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 3:40 PM, Sven Reimers<sven.reimers at gmail.com**
>> >wrote:
>> My 2$c..
>>> I do not like the idea of having additional Symbol objects - thinking of
>>> large datasets this sounds like a significant overhead in cpu and memory.
>>> I would prefer
>>> public interface SymbolFactory {
>>> /** Get's a series specific symbol. */
>>> Node getSymbol(Series<X,Y> series, Data<X, Y> dataItem);
>>> }
>>> On the other hand - do we want one factory per series? The proposed api
>>> would allow for different symbols for the same series. Do we want to
>>> support this?
>>> As with allmost all things in JavaFX I would say this could be a property
>>> that you can change, and with this the generated symbols change (maybe
>>> not
>>> used that much, but consistent non the less). Passing the factory in a
>>> constructor is not good for fxml and other rapid things who like the
>>> builder approach. So we should try to keep this out of the constructor
>>> and
>>> make it accessible via a property or at least a set method.
>>> This still looks like more discussion is needed for such an API change,
>>> which does not replace my original API-Review request. I think having
>>> simple facility to switch symbols on /off is a change small enough and
>>> independent of this bigger discussion about general further enhancements
>>> of
>>> the charts API, which may be too late for FX8, while the small change
>>> maybe
>>> still has a chance of getting into FX8.
>>> So, please let us discuss this in a separate thread and keep the
>>> discussion here focussed on the original change.
>>> -Sven
>>> P.S.Perhaps we can take try to separate things we need in FX standard
>>> API's from things that may be nice to have, but can be implemented as
>>> extensions to the existing charts and provided by a project like
>>> jfxtras.org.
>>> On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 7:31 PM, Mark Fortner<phidias51 at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> The SymbolFactory idea should probably be discussed a little further.
>>>> It would be useful if there was a simple Symbol interface that you could
>>>> use. This would let you turn any Node subclass into a Symbol.
>>>> public interface ISymbol{
>>>> Node getNode();
>>>> void setStyle(.....)
>>>> void addEventHandler(....)
>>>> void removeEventHandler(....)
>>>> }
>>>> The event handler methods would insure that the symbol can always
>>>> respond
>>>> to mouseover and click events (or any other events the user wants to
>>>> support). The style method makes it easy to make the symbol pretty.
>>>> The factory would then do something simple like:
>>>> public interface ISymbolFactory {
>>>> /** Get's a series specific symbol. */
>>>> ISymbol getSymbol(Series<X,Y> series, Data<X, Y> dataItem);
>>>> }
>>>> Inside the chart, the default implementation of the SymbolFactory could
>>>> be an anonymous inner class or create an external implementation if you
>>>> wanted it to serve as a template for users to extend and customize. You
>>>> could pass new implementations of the SymbolFactory into the class in
>>>> the
>>>> constructor if you wanted to change the look. You'd want to do this
>>>> before
>>>> you actually started passing data to the chart, hence the idea of
>>>> putting
>>>> the factory in a constructor.
>>>> Does that sound reasonable?
>>>> Mark
>>>> On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 3:01 AM, Sven Reimers<sven.reimers at gmail.com**
>>>> >wrote:
>>>> I like the idea of a symbol factory as well, but it will need to be in
>>>>> some way configured per series, since a data item (XYChart.Data) does
>>>>> not
>>>>> know about its series.
>>>>> Seems this may be a bigger API change though - Should we track this
>>>>> separately?
>>>>> Any further comments?
>>>>> -Sven
>>>>> On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 12:33 AM, Jasper Potts<jasper.potts at oracle.com
>>>>> >**wrote:
>>>>> A symbol factory would also be a good idea, take in data item and
>>>>>> return Node.
>>>>>> Jasper
>>>>>> On Mar 11, 2013, at 4:20 PM, Mark Fortner<phidias51 at gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I recently came across the "createSymbols" property code in the
>>>>>> LineChart
>>>>>>> and was wondering if there was some reason to write it this way
>>>>>> rather than
>>>>>>> simply having a default implementation of some Symbol interface which
>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> user can replace by simply setting the value.
>>>>>>> For my application, I ended up writing some conditional decorators
>>>>>> for the
>>>>>>> symbol, but as I was doing this I thought how much easier it would be
>>>>>> if
>>>>>>> the symbols had a factory where one could register new
>>>>>> implementations, or
>>>>>>> replace the factory itself to provide some conditional switching
>>>>>> logic, etc.
>>>>>>> Any thoughts on improving the flexibility of the charts?
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Mark
>>>>>>> On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 3:53 PM, Paru Somashekar<
>>>>>>> parvathi.somashekar at oracle.com**> wrote:
>>>>>>> Ok thanks Jasper. That makes sense. I updated RT-21539 with the our
>>>>>>> plan
>>>>>>> of not adding the API at the Series level.
>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>> Paru.
>>>>>>>> On 3/11/13 3:25 PM, Jasper Potts wrote:
>>>>>>>> I feel like adding "createSymbols" boolean property to Area,&
>>>>>>>>> StackedArea charts makes sense to match LineChart.
>>>>>>>>> I don't like the idea of adding API to the series object on XYChart
>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>> that is more generic and used by many chart types. If the user
>>>>>>>> needs fine
>>>>>>> grain control of symbols like in RT-21539 they can turn auto symbol
>>>>>>>>> generation off with "createSymbols = false" then create their own
>>>>>>>> symbol
>>>>>>> nodes for the cases when they do want them.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>> Jasper
>>>>>>>>> On Mar 8, 2013, at 10:08 AM, Paru Somashekar<parvathi.**
>>>>>>>>> somashekar at oracle.com<parvathi**.somashekar at oracle.com<parvathi.somashekar at oracle.com>>>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> There is a request for adding the createSymbols flag at the
>>>>>>>> XYChart's
>>>>>>> Series level instead of on Chart.
>>>>>>>>>> JIRA : http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/****browse/RT-21539<http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/**browse/RT-21539>
>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>> http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/**browse/RT-21539<http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-21539>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> I think it might be a good idea to add it at the Series level so
>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> one can turn ON / OFF symbols per Series rather than for all the
>>>>>>>>> series of
>>>>>>> a chart.
>>>>>>>>>> The API could continue to be the same - except live at the Series
>>>>>>>>> level.
>>>>>>> Each chart can then create symbols for each of its Series only if
>>>>>>>>> this flag
>>>>>>> is turned on.
>>>>>>>>>> This might however not make much sense for Scatter, Bubble and
>>>>>>>>> BarCharts.
>>>>>>> What do you think Jasper?
>>>>>>>>>> -Paru.
>>>>>>>>>> On 3/8/13 4:12 AM, Sven Reimers wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi all
>>>>>>>>>>> AreaChart and StackedAreaChart are missing an API to simply
>>>>>>>>>> disable the
>>>>>>> creation of symbols. At the moment this is only possible by
>>>>>>>>>> complex css
>>>>>>> style acrobatics. LineChart on the other hand already provides a
>>>>>>>>>> simple
>>>>>>> way
>>>>>>>>>>> to do this. The proposed tweak takes the existing API from
>>>>>>>>>> LineChart and
>>>>>>> adds this to AreaChart and StackedAreaChart.
>>>>>>>>>>> Desired API change:
>>>>>>>>>>> /**
>>>>>>>>>>> * Indicates whether symbols for data points will be created
>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>> not.
>>>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>>>> * @return true if symbols for data points will be created
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>> false
>>>>>>>>>>> otherwise.
>>>>>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>>>>> public final boolean getCreateSymbols() { return
>>>>>>>>>>> createSymbols.getValue(); }
>>>>>>>>>>> public final void setCreateSymbols(boolean value) {
>>>>>>>>>>> createSymbols.setValue(value); }
>>>>>>>>>>> public final BooleanProperty createSymbolsProperty() {
>>>>>>>>>>> return
>>>>>>>>>>> createSymbols; }
>>>>>>>>>>> Desired additional CSS property (incldues additional
>>>>>>>>>> StyleableProperty):
>>>>>>> -fx-create-symbols
>>>>>>>>>>> JIRA:
>>>>>>>>>>> http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/****browse/RT-28148<http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/**browse/RT-28148>
>>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>> http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/**browse/RT-28148<http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-28148>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> Thank
>>>>>>>>>>> -Sven
>>>>>>>>>>> P.S. An updated patch will hopefully be available there too.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Sven Reimers
>>>>> * Senior Expert Software Architect
>>>>> * NetBeans Dream Team Member: http://dreamteam.netbeans.org
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>>>>> * Duke's Choice Award Winner 2009
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>>>>> * XING: https://www.xing.com/profile/**Sven_Reimers8<https://www.xing.com/profile/Sven_Reimers8>
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>>> --
>>> Sven Reimers
>>> * Senior Expert Software Architect
>>> * NetBeans Dream Team Member: http://dreamteam.netbeans.org
>>> * Community Leader NetBeans: http://community.java.net/**netbeans<http://community.java.net/netbeans>
>>> Desktop Java:
>>> http://community.java.net/**javadesktop<http://community.java.net/javadesktop>
>>> * Duke's Choice Award Winner 2009
>>> * Blog: http://nbguru.blogspot.com
>>> * XING: https://www.xing.com/profile/**Sven_Reimers8<https://www.xing.com/profile/Sven_Reimers8>
>>> * LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/**svenreimers<http://www.linkedin.com/in/svenreimers>
>>> Join the NetBeans Groups:
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