Threads completely freak out

Scott Palmer swpalmer at
Sat Mar 30 06:19:11 PDT 2013

Interesting. I'm noticing excessive CPU with b83 (I suspect scene is
constantly painting). I didn't notice this thread issue with b82. But
b82 had a lot of CSS refresh issues too.  ( some remain in b83)


On 2013-03-30, at 2:36 AM, Tom Eugelink <tbee at> wrote:

> Jonathan told me that b82 was "a particularly bad build". I've suspended migrating JFXtras8 to J8 because of that; I'm seeing that calls to indexOf in ObservableList go beserk.
> Tom
> On 2013-03-30 02:29, Hendrik Ebbers wrote:
>> Hi,
>> today I tried to debug a JFX8 app with eclipse and used build 81 for this. But by using JavaFX in JDK8 the VM seems to create and destroy so many short living threads that the eclipse debugger can't handle this behavior. Is this a wanted behavior? And if yes, why isn't this done by thread pools?
>> Cheers,
>> Hendrik

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